Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Section: New Results

Automatic Inference of Necessary Preconditions

Participants : Patrick Cousot, Radhia Cousot, Manuel Fahndrich [Microsoft Research, Redmond, USA] , Francesco Logozzo [Microsoft Research, Redmond, USA] .

Abstract interpretation, Backward analysis, Static analysis, Necessary condition inference,

In [18] , we consider the problem of automatic precondition inference for: (i) program verification; (ii) helping the annotation process of legacy code; and (iii) helping generating code contracts during code refactoring. We argue that the common notion of sufficient precondition inference (i.e., under which precondition is the program correct?) imposes too large a burden on call-sites, and hence is unfit for automatic program analysis. Therefore, we define the problem of necessary precondition inference (i.e., under which precondition, if violated, will the program always be incorrect?). We designed and implemented several new abstract interpretation-based analyses to infer necessary preconditions. The analyses infer atomic preconditions (including disjunctions), as well as universally and existentially quantified preconditions.

We experimentally validated the analyses on large scale industrial code.

For unannotated code, the inference algorithms find necessary preconditions for almost 64% of methods which contained warnings. In 27% of these cases the inferred preconditions were also sufficient, meaning all warnings within the method body disappeared. For annotated code, the inference algorithms find necessary preconditions for over 68% of methods with warnings. In almost 50% of these cases the preconditions were also sufficient. Overall, the precision improvement obtained by precondition inference (counted as the additional number of methods with no warnings) ranged between 9% and 21%.