Section: Dissemination


  • F. Bodin, A. Seznec, I. Puaut and E. Rohou are teaching computer architecture and compilation in the master of research in computer science at University of Rennes I.

  • Erven Rohou teaches classes and labs of Computing Systems at école Polytechnique (INF422).

  • I. Puaut teaches operating systems and real-time systems in the master degree of computer science of the University of Rennes I and at Ecole Supérieure d'ingénieurs de Rennes.

  • D. Hardy teaches operating systems and compilers in the master degree of computer science of the University of Rennes I. He teaches real-time systems in the BSc degree Embedded automotive systems.

  • Pierre Michaud and André Seznec are teaching computer architecture at the engineering degree in computer science at Ecole Supérieure d'ingénieurs de Rennes.

  • I. Puaut is co-responsible of the Master of Research in computer science in Britanny (administered jointly by University of Rennes I, University of Bretagne Sud, University of Bretagne Occidentale, INSA de Rennes, ENS Cachan antenne de Bretagne, ENIB, Supélec, Telecom-Bretagne).