Section: Dissemination
Amib animated the Inria booth, at the yearly “Nuit des Chercheurs” in September at Ecole Polytechnique. The topic was to illustrate the principles underlying RNA folding algorithms through playing combinatorial games.
Y. Ponty gave a presentation at Unithé ou Café, the monthly popular science event of sc Inria Saclay, on RNA folding using dynamic programming. He was interviewed by the Interstices web site on RNA folding algorithms, leading to a 12 minutes-long podcast. Y. Ponty was invited to give a tutorial on RNA visualization at the Embl (Heidelberg, Germany)-hosted conference Vizbi'12 .
S. Cohen-Boulakia was invited to give a short tutorial on Data Integration in the Life Sciences at the national thematic school Masses de données distribuées (Summer School).