Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


  • Licence: Julien Deantoni, Computer Environnement, 30 h, L2 level, Polytech engineering school of University Nice/Sophia-Antipolis (UNS EPU) France.

  • Master:Julien Deantoni, Model Driven Engineering, 22 h, M2, UNS EPU.

  • Master : Julien Deantoni, C++ and Object Oriented Programming, 54 h, M1, UNS EPU.

  • Master: Julien Deantoni, Embedded Software and systems, 7 h, M2, UNS EPU.

  • Master: Julien Deantoni, VHDL, 40 h, M1, UNS EPU.

  • Licence: Sid-Ahmed-Ali Touati, Assembleurs et jeux d'instructions, 52h, L3, UNS Licence info.

  • Licence: Sid-Ahmed-Ali Touati, Systèmes informatiques, 30h, L1, UNS Licence info.

  • Master: Sid-Ahmed-Ali Touati, Programmation efficaces pour programmes embarqués et hautes performances, 16h, M1 Master ISI.

  • Master: Sid-Ahmed-Ali Touati, Systèmes d'exploitation avancés, 39h, M1, UNS Master ISI.

  • Master: Sid-Ahmed-Ali Touati, Programmation efficace et Optimisation de code, 16h, M1, UNS Master ISI.

  • Master: Sid-Ahmed-Ali Touati, Architecture des Processeurs, 15h, M1, UNS EPU.

  • Licence : Frédéric Mallet, Introduction à la Programmation Objet, 45h, L1, UNS.

  • Licence: Frédéric Mallet, Architecture des ordinateurs, 45h, L3, UNS.

  • Master: Frédéric Mallet, Programmation Avancée et Design Patterns, 93h, M1, UNS.

  • Master: Frédéric Mallet, Java pour l'Informatique Industrielle, 24h, M1, UNS.

  • Master: Frédéric Mallet, Architectures des ordinateurs, 12h, M1, UNS.

  • Master: Frédéric Mallet, Formal Models for Network-On-Chips, 3h, M2, UNS.

  • Licence : Marie-Agnes Peraldi-Frati, Algorithms and programming 60h,L1, UNS Institute of technology.

  • Licence : Marie-Agnes Peraldi-Frati, System and Networks administration 80h, L2, UNS Institute of technology .

  • Licence :Marie-Agnes Peraldi-Frati, Web Programming 50 h , L2, UNS Institute of technology.

  • Master : Robert de Simone, Formal Models for Networks-on-Chip, 24h , M2, UNS.

  • Master : Robert de Simone, Semantics of Embedded and Distributed Systems, 24 h, M1, UNS.

  • Master: Yves Sorel, Optimization of distributed real-time embedded systems, 24H, M2, University Paris Sud.

  • Master: Yves Sorel, Distributed real-time systems, 26H, M2, University Paris Est

  • Master: Yves Sorel, Specification and formal models for embedded systems, 28H, M2, ENSTA Engineering School Paris

  • Master: Yves Sorel, Correct by construction design of reactive systems, 18H, M2, ESIEE Engineering School Noisy-Le-Grand

  • Master: Dumitru Potop, Programmation synchrone des systèmes temps-réel, 8h, M1, EPITA Engineering School Paris

  • Licence: Laurent George, Java and Shell programming 48h, L1, IUT RT UPEC

  • Master: Laurent George, Distributed Real-Time Systems, 24h, M2, UPEC


  • PhD: Mohamed Marouf, Ordonnancement temps réel dur multiprocesseur tolérant aux fautes appliqué à la robotique mobile, Ecole des Mines de Paris, defended on June 1st 2012, supervised by Yves Sorel, co-supervised by Brigitte D'Andrea-Novel (Institut Mines-Telecom).

  • PhD in progress: Carlos Ernesto Gomez-Cardenas,Environnement multi-vues pour la métamodélisation sémantique formelle de systèmes embarqués, UNS, started September 2010, supervised by Frédéric Mallet.

  • PhD in progress: Matias Vara-Larsen, Toward a formal and hierarchical timed model for concurrent heterogeneous model, ANR/CNRS, started November 2012, supervised by Frédéric Mallet, co-supervised by Julien Deantoni.

  • PhD in progress: Ameni Khecharem, High-Level modeling of hierarchical power management policies in SoCs, UNS, started October 2012, supervised by Robert de Simone.

  • PhD in progress: Ying Lin, Formal Analysis of polychronous models with MARTE/CCSL, East China Normal University, started September 2011, supervised by Jing Liu (ECNU), co-supervised by Frédéric Mallet.

  • PhD in progress: Falou Ndoye, Multiprocessor real-time scheduling taking into account preemption cost, started January 2011, supervised by Yves Sorel.

  • PhD in progress: Manel Djemal, Distributed real-time scheduling onto NoC architectures, EDITE/UPMC, started Nov. 2010, co-supervised by Alix Munier (UPMC/Lip6) and D. Potop-Butucaru.

  • PhD in progress: Thomas Carle, Real-time implementation of embedded control applications with conditional control onto time-triggered architectures, EDITE/UPMC, started Sep. 2011, supervised by D. Potop-Butucaru.

  • PhD in progress: Pierre Courbin (ECE/UPEC), Ordonnancement temps réel parallèle multiprocesseur, started September 2009, supervised by Laurent George.

  • PhD in progress: Philippe Thierry (CIFRE Thales/UPEC), Ordonnancement temps réel multiprocesseur sous contraintes de sécurité, started April 2010, supervised by Laurent George.

  • PhD in progress: Vincent Sciandra, (CIFRE Veolia/UPEC), Ordonnancement temps réel à criticité mixte dans les systèmes de transports intelligents (ITS), started Oct. 2010, supervised by Laurent George.

  • PhD in progress: Manar Qamhieh, (UPEMLV), Ordonnancement temps réel de graphes de tâches parallèles à criticité mixte, started Sept. 2010, co-supervised by Serge Midonnet (UPEMLV) and Laurent George.

  • PhD: Abdelhafid Mazouz, An Empirical Study of Program Performance of OpenMP Applications on Multicore Platforms, defended December 11 2012, UVSQ, supervised by Sid Touati (as part of his activities prior to joining Aoste), co-supervisd by D. Bartou (LABRI).


  • Robert de Simone

  • PhD reviewer: Sébastien Guillet (Université Bretagne-Sud), Cédric Auger (Université Orsay Paris-Sud),

  • HDR examiner: Ludovic Apvrille (Institut Mines-Telecom) (President of Jury).

  • Frédéric Mallet

  • PhD reviewer: Boutheina Bannour (Ecole Centrale Paris), Daniel Knorreck (Télécom ParisTech), Michel Lauer (INP Toulouse), Sabir Idrees (Télécom ParisTech)

  • PhD examiner: Cyril Faucher (Université de La Rochelle)

  • Sid Touati

  • PhD reviewer: Mohamed Benazouz (U. Paris 6), Jingyan Jourdan-Lu (ENS Lyon), Jean-Noël Quintin (INP Grenoble)

  • PhD examiner: Julien Jaegger (UVSQ)

  • Laurent George

  • PhD reviewer: Aurélien Monot (Université de Lorraine, Nancy)

  • Yves Sorel

  • PhD examiner: Mohamed Benazouz (University Pierre et Marie Curie)

  • Julien Deantoni

  • PhD examiner: Abderraouf Benyahia (Supelec)