Section: New Results

Transformation from MARTE Time Model and CCSL to formal analysis models

Participants : Frédéric Mallet, Ling Yin.

This work was conducted in the context of an on-going collaboration with the Software Engineering Institute (SEI) of East Normal China University (ECNU) at Shanghai, which led altogether in part to the DAESD Associated-team, followed by a LIAMA joint project proposal recently submitted (HADES), and the co-supervision by Frédéric Mallet (together with Professor Jing Liu from ECNU) of the PhD thesis of Yin Ling. Yin Ling spent a one-year visit in our team, funded on a chinese governemental grant.

We studied the efficient and sound formal translation of a subset of CCSL contraints into the PROMELA/SPIN formalism, to benefit from model-checking formal analysis features in this environment. The translation is not completely direct, as synchronous simultaneity is not a native notion of PROMELA, and has to be encoded as atomicity. The motivating principles and translation details are provided in [42] . A similar attempt could be considered in the future, this time with the synchronous model-checker SMV, which allows coumpound instantaneous atomic behaviors.

Another line of research was initiated at ECNU to consider logical continuous time, while most of our current work considers only discrete time (while MARTE Time Model considers both). Considerations on hybrid state diagrams , inviting the expressive power of formal hierarchical hybrid automata models into the MDE design space of UML MARTE, were investigated in [27] .