Section: New Results

Multiview modeling and power intent in Systems-on-chip

Participants : Carlos Gomez Cardenas, Ameni Khecharem, Jean-François Le Tallec, Frédéric Mallet, Julien Deantoni, Robert de Simone.

High-level power management modeling

One of the concern of the UML MARTE profile is to allow non-functional property modeling, so that the same system bare description can be annotated in a number of views. In our case, combined with our logical time framework, such properties can be made as time-depending, inside potentially distinct views. We examplified this approach by dealing to a large extent with the example of low-power design and energy modeling in the case of Systems-on-Chip (SoC) in the mobile phone domain. Pure power/thermal modeling can be realized, based on the system global architecture, then made operational with the use of logical time controllers triggering power management functionalities.

Thermal/power simulation models are usually relying on continuous time. Therefore we considered the issue of logical continuous time, in an early attempt at combining simulation of continuous time power/thermal models with intrinsically discrete functional aspects. A prototype was realized in Scicos, as part of Ameni Khecharem master internship.

This work was conducted in the context of Carlos Gomez PhD thesis, and in collaboration with several partners inside the ANR HeLP project. It should be continued in the forthcoming PhD thesis of Ameni Khecharem, just started in the context of the follow-up ANR HOPE project, which will consider specific issues of hierachical power modeling and compositional power management (as an example of incremental multiview aspects).


In this context of high-level power modeling and multiview concerns, we considered the emerging Accelera standard IP-XACT, made to provide easy-to-plug interfaces and Architecture Description Language (ADL) to allow simple assembly of hardware IP components into well-behaved SoCs. More specifically we provided means to annotate such interface with extra informations, directly borrowed from UML MARTE NFP properties, to handle power and thermal aspects. A number of model transformations back and forth between MARTE and (extended) IP-XACT were realized, and extraction of IP-XACT compliant interfaces from proprietary SystemC code describing the elementary IP component tehmselves has been defined and implemented as well.

This work was initiated as part of a project with STMicroelectronics, inside the nano2012 programme (ended 2011), and continued as part of the ANR HeLP collaboration. It resulted in the PhD thesis of Jean-François Le Tallec (who remained in the team for a couple of months later to complete the prototype implementation) [16] .