Section: Scientific Foundations

Reliability and Accuracy

Having basic arithmetic operators that are well-specified by standards leads to two directions. The first is to provide a guarantee that the implementations of these operators match their specification. The second is to use these operators as building blocks of well-specified computations, in other words to build upon these operators to obtain guarantees on the results of larger computing cores.

The approaches used to get such a guarantee vary greatly. Some computations are performed exactly, and in this case the results are considered to be intrinsically correct. However, exact values may not be finitely representable in the chosen number system and format: they must then be approximated. When an approximate value is computed using floating-point arithmetic, the specification of this arithmetic is employed to establish a bound on the roundoff errors, or to check that no exceptional situation occurred. For instance, the IEEE-754 standard for floating-point arithmetic implies useful properties, e.g., Dekker's error-free multiplication for various radices and precisions, the faithfulness of Horner's polynomial evaluation, etc.

Another possibility is that a simple final computation, still performed using floating-point arithmetic, enables to check whether a computed result is a reasonable approximation of the exact (unknown) result. Typically, to check that, for instance, a computed matrix R is close to the inverse of the initial matrix A, it suffices to check whether the product RA is close enough to the identity matrix. Such a simple, a posteriori, computation is called a certificate.

When considering more complicated functions, e.g., elementary functions, another issue arises. These functions have to be approximated, in general by polynomials. It no longer suffices to bound the rounding errors of the computations and check that no underflow/overflow may occur. One also has to take into account the approximation errors: certifying tight error bounds is quite a challenge. One usually talks of verified computations in this case.

Safety is typically based on interval arithmetic: what is computed is an interval which provably encloses the sought values. Naive interval arithmetic evaluates an expression as it is written, which does not take into account the dependencies between variables. This leads to irrelevant interval bloat. To address this problem, a solution is sometimes to rewrite the expression, a technique used for instance by the Gappa tool (http://gappa.gforge.inria.fr/ ) initially developed in Arénaire. Another systematic method is to use extensions to interval arithmetic. For instance, affine arithmetic has been used to optimize the data-path width of FPGA computing cores, and is also used in the Fluctuat tool to diagnose numerical instabilities in programs. When working with functions, Taylor models are a relevant extension: they represent a function as the sum of a polynomial of fixed degree and of an interval enclosing all errors (approximation as well rounding errors). This approach is very useful for computations involving function approximations, and has for instance been used successfully for the computation of the supremum norm of a function in one variable. The issue here is to devise algorithms that do not overestimate too much the result. It may be necessary to mix interval arithmetic and variable precision to reach the required level of guarantee and accuracy. In general, determining the right precision is difficult: the precision must be high enough to yield accurate results, but not too high since the computing time increases with the computing precision.

The complexity of some computer arithmetic algorithms, the intrinsic complexity of the floating-point model, the use of floating-point for critical applications, strongly advocate for the use of formal proof in computer arithmetic: a proof checker checks every step of the proof obtained by any means mentioned above. Even circuit manufacturers often provide a formal proof of the critical parts of their floating-point algorithms. For instance, the Intel divide and square root algorithms for the Itanium were formally proven. The expertise of the French community (which includes several ex-Arénaire members) in proving floating-point algorithms is well recognized. However, even the lower properties of the arithmetic are still challenging. For instance, with the specification of decimal arithmetic in the new version of the IEEE 754 standard, many theorems established in radix two have to be generalized to other radices.