Section: Partnerships and Cooperations
European Initiatives
FP7 Projects
Title: Advanced software-based seRvice provisioning and migraTIon of legacy Software
Defi: Cloud Computing, Internet of Services and Advanced Software engineering
Others partners: Tecnalia (Spain), Inria (France), Fraunhofer (Germany), TUWIEN (Austria), ENG (Italy), ICCS (Greece), SPARX (Austria), ATC (Greece), SPIKES (Belgium)
See also:
Abstract: Successful software has to evolve to keep it compatible and up to date. Up to 90% of software cost is spent on maintenance and of this 75% is spent on the development of new features for staying competitive. The industry progresses through periods of incremental development interlaced with true paradigm shifts. Accordingly, more and more traditional software vendors notice the need to transform their current business and technology model in order to remain competitive. Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) is seen as the most promising way to achieve this change. However, this transition from Software-off-the-shelf (often residing as legacy applications) to SaaS is a tremendous challenge comprising business, application and technical issues. Having an automated, vendor, technology and hardware independent way to migrate an application would permit the software to evolve easily even in case of transition to new paradigms. ARTIST proposes a software migration approach covering the premigration and postmigration phases. The premigration phase analyzes the technical and non-technical consequences of migrations, supporting the decision-making process on how a migration should be done. The migration phase itself is based on Model Driven Engineering techniques to automate the reverse engineering of the legacy applications to platform independent models. These models are the input for the forward engineering process to generate and deploy modernized applications and to support future migrations. In the postmigration phase, the modernized applications are certified with respect to the stated goals of the premigration phase. ARTIST will reduce the risk, time and cost of migrating legacy software. It will lower the barriers for companies (with existing software) wanting to take advantage of the latest technologies and business models, particularly when considering the current benefits of Cloud Computing and SaaS.
Title:Cost-Efficient methods and processes for SAfety Relevant embedded systems
Abstract: The three transportation domains, automotive, aerospace, and rail, as well as the automation domain share the need to develop ultra-reliable embedded systems to meet social demands for increased mobility and safety in a highly competitive global market.To maintain the European leading edge position in the transportation as well as automation market, CESAR aims to boost cost efficiency of embedded systems development and safety and certification processes by an order of magnitude. CESAR pursuits a multi-domain approach integrating large enterprises, suppliers, SME's and vendors of cross sectoral domains and cooperating with leading research organizations and innovative SME's. In particular, we work on the Reference Technology Platform, which aims at tool integration. We propose to achieve tool integration by means of metamodeling and model transformations [42] . In the context of this project we are developing VirtualEMF ( ) , an approach and tool for the transparent composition, weaving and linking of heterogeneous models.
Other partners: Many other research labs and companies. Our main partner was the Obeo company.
Abstract:OPEES ( ) mission statement is to settle a community and build the necessary means and enablers to ensure long-term availability of innovative engineering technologies in the domain of dependable or critical software-intensive embedded systems. In particular, within OPEES, our schema of open source industrial collaboration [3] (e.g. around ATL) will be tested and developed as a team contribution to this project. AtlanMod is also responsible for providing a model-driven interoperability solution for the integration of the ecosystem of OPEES components, based on metamodeling the domain data of each component and bridging, by model transformation, the specific data representations.
Collaborations in European Programs, except FP7
Project title:Exchanging knowledge, techniques and experiences around Model Driven Engineering education
Other partners: Potecnico di Milano, Universidad de Alicante
Abstract: MDE Expertise ( ) is an European Leonardo da Vinci project focused on the development of common educational materials for the Model Driven Engineering (MDE) area. The main aim of the project is to transfer and adapt the education in Model Driven Engineering concepts to the local IT education societies of the partner's countries, thus improving the partners' knowledge about up to date current software development methods. This results in the best preparation for professionals competing on the IT market. Direct results include: development of common MDE teaching methods, suited for the partners' local needs and market requirements; creation of teaching materials (with online version) localized for the partners' languages and definition of tools for e-learning and knowledge exchange. Indirect effects include improving the capability of local SMEs in solving complex software design problems through modeling, and evolving the software development job market.