Section: New Results
Reverse Engineering
Model Driven Reverse Engineering (MDRE), and its applications such as software modernization, is a discipline in which model-driven development (MDD) techniques are used to treat legacy systems. During 2012, Atlanmod has continued working actively on this research area. The main contributions are the following:
- Grammar-to-Model Bridging
When existing software artifacts are treated in MDRE, they must be first transformed into models to apply MDD techniques such as model transformations. Since most scenarios involve dealing with code in general-purpose programming languages (GPL), the extraction of models from GPL code is an essential task. We designed Grammar-to-Model Transformation Language (Gra2MoL) as a domain-specific language (DSL) tailored to the extraction of models from GPL code. Gra2MoL aims to reduce the effort needed to implement grammarware-MDD bridges, since building dedicated parsers is a complex and time-consuming task. The language also provides a powerful query language which eases the retrieval of scattered information in syntax trees. Moreover, it incorporates extensibility and grammar reuse mechanisms. In [13] , Gra2MoL is described in detail and a case study based on the application of the language in the extraction of models from Delphi code is included.
- API-to-Model Bridging
Software systems usually manage many Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) to access different software assets (e.g., databases, middleware, etc). A MDRE process therefore also normally involves extracting models from legacy artifacts using API. Thus, we devised API2MoL [14] , a DSL which allows developers defining technological bridges between the model and the API technologies. API2MoL is, to the best of our knowledge, the first generic proposal to deal with the integration of MDE and APIs which automates the creation of the API-MDE bridge. Our proposal includes a complete prototype of a toolkit focused on Java APIs, although an adaptation of the approach to deal with APIs for other statically-typed object-oriented languages (such as C sharp) could be easily implemented.
- Security Information Discovery
Most companies information systems are composed by heterogeneous components responsible of hosting, creating or manipulating critical information for the day-to-day operation of the company. Securing this information is therefore one of their main concerns, more particularly specifying Access Control (AC) policies. However, the task of implementing an AC security policy (sometimes relying on several mechanisms) remains complex and error prone as it requires knowing low level and vendor-specific facilities. In this context, discovering and understanding which security policies are actually being enforced by the Information System (IS) becomes critical. Thus, the main challenge consists in bridging the gap between the vendor-dependent security features and a higher-level representation. This representation has to express the policies by abstracting from the specificities of the system components, allowing security experts to better understand the policy and to implement all related evolution, refactoring and manipulation operations in a reusable way. As a first result, in [28] a method to extract AC policies from firewall configuration files is proposed.
- Business Rules Discovery
In order to react to the ever-changing market, every organization needs to periodically reevaluate and evolve its company policies. These policies must be enforced by its Information System (IS) by means of a set of so-called business rules that drive the system behavior and data. Clearly, policies and rules must be aligned at all times but unfortunately this is a challenging task. In most ISs, the implementation of business rules is scattered among the code so appropriate techniques must be provided for the discovery and evolution of changing business rules. In [24] , we describe a MDRE framework aiming at extracting business rules out of Java source code. The use of modeling techniques facilitate the representation of the rules at a higher-abstraction level which enables stakeholders to understand and manipulate them more easily.
- Software Modernization
Software modernization processes usually follow the well-known horse-shoe model, which provides a framework to integrate different abstraction levels and reverse engineering tools. The Architecture-Driven Modernization (ADM) is an OMG's initiative which aims at defining and standardizing techniques, methods and tools for software modernization. It incorporates the horse-shoe framework as its reference model and uses MDE techniques as the implementation foundation. Since ADM proposes applying the modernization process at the most abstract level, we believe that, to some extent, the ADM initiative has misinterpreted the original horse-shoe model [34] .
- Legacy Data Federation
The fast evolution of technologies (SOA, Cloud, mobile environments), ISs complexity and the growing need for agility require to be able to represent information systems as a whole. In this context, Enterprise Architecture (EA) approaches intend to address all the systems dimensions: software components, associated physical resources, relationships with the companies requirements and business processes, implied actors/roles/structures, etc. Within the TEAP FUI project (cf. corresponding section), we have started studying the reverse engineering capabilities required when dealing with such high-level views of an IS. More particularly, the focus has been put on features for allowing federating the relevant data coming from different existing sources, as well as for integrating them efficiently. To this intent, a prototype is currently being developed based on several technologies from the team (e.g. Virtual EMF, ATL, MoDisco).