Section: Scientific Foundations
The study we propose to do on symbiosis decomposes into four main parts - (1) genetic dialog, (2) metabolic dialog, (3) symbiotic dialog and genome evolution, and (4) symbiotic dynamics - that are however strongly interrelated, and the study of such interrelations will represent an important part of our work. Another biological objective, larger and which we hope within the ERC project SISYPHE just to sketch for a longer term investigation, will aim at getting at a better grasp of species identity and of a number of identity-related concepts. We now briefly indicate the main points that have started been investigated or should be investigated in the next five years.
Genetic dialog
We plan to study the genetic dialog at the regulation level between symbiont and host by addressing the following mathematical and algorithmic issues:
model and identify all small RNAs from the bacterium and the host which may be involved in the genetic dialog between the two, and model/identify the targets of such small RNAs;
infer selected parts of the regulatory network of both symbiont and host (this will enable to treat the next point) using all available information;
explore at both the computational and experimental levels the complementarity of the two networks, and revisit at a network level the question of a regulatory response of the symbiont to its host's demand;
compare the complementarities observed between pairs of networks (the host's and the symbiont's); such complementarities will presumably vary with the different types of host-symbiont relationships considered, and of course with the information the networks model (structural or dynamic); Along the way, it may become important at some point to address also the issue of transposable elements (abbreviated into TEs, that are genes which can jump spontaneously from one site to another in a genome following or not a duplication event). It is increasingly believed that TEs play a role in the regulation of the expression of the genes in eukaryotic genomes. The same role in symbionts, and in the host-symbiont dialog has been less or not explored. This requires to address the following additional task:
accurately and systematically detect all transposable elements (i.e. genes which can jump spontaneously from one site to another in a genome following or not a duplication event) and assess their implication in their own regulation and that of their host genome (the new sequencing technologies should facilitate this task as well as other data expression analyses, if we are able to master the computational problem of analysing the flow of data they generate: fragment indexing, mapping and assembly);
where possible, obtain data enabling to infer the PPI (Protein-Protein Interaction) for hosts and symbionts, and at the host-symbiont interface and analyse the PPI networks obtained and how they interact.
Initial algorithmic and statistical approaches for the first two items above are under way and are sustained by a well-established expertise of the team on sequence and microarray bioinformatic analysis. Both problems are however notoriously hard because of the high level of missing data and noise, and of our relative lack of knowledge of what could be the key elements of genetic regulation, such as small and micro RNAs.
We also plan to establish the complete repertoire of transcription factors of the interacting partners (with possible exchanges between them) at both the computational and experimental levels. Comparative biology (search by sequence homology of known regulators), 3D-structural modelling of putative domains interacting with the DNA molecule, regulatory domains conserved in the upstream region of coding DNA are among classical and routinely used methods to search for putative regulatory proteins and elements in the genomes. Experimentaly, the BiaCore (using the surface plasmon resonance principle) and ChIP-Seq (using chromatin precipitation coupled with high-throughput sequencing from Solexa) techniques offer powerful tools to capture all the protein-DNA interactions corresponding to a specific putative regulator. However, these techniques have not been evaluated in the context of interacting partners making this task an interesting challenge.
Metabolic dialog
Our main plan for this part, where we have already many results, some obtained this last year, is to:
continue with and improve our work on reconstructing the metabolic networks of organisms with sequenced genomes, taking in particular care to cover as much as possible the different types of hosts and symbionts in interaction;
refine the network reconstructions by using flux balance analysis which will in turn require addressing the next item;
improve our capacity to efficiently compute fluxes and do flux balance analysis; current algorithms can handle only relatively small networks;
analyse and compare the networks in terms of their general structural, quantitative and dynamic characteristics;
develop models and algorithms to compare different types of metabolic interfaces which will imply being able, by a joint computational and experimental approach, to determine what is transported across interacting metabolisms;
define what would be a good null hypothesis to test the statistical significance, and therefore possible biological relevance of the characteristics observed when analysing or comparing (random network problem, a mostly open issue despite the various models available);
use the results from item 5, that is indications on the precursors of a bacterial metabolism that are key players in the dialog with the metabolism of the host, to revisit the genetic regulation dialog between symbiont and host.
Computational results from the last item will be complemented with experiments to help understand what is transported from the host to the symbiont and how what is transported may be related with the genetic dialog between the two organisms (items 5 and 6).
Great care will also be taken in all cases (metabolism- or regulation-only, or both together) to consider the situations, rather common, where more than two partners are involved in a symbiosis, that is when there are secondary symbionts of a same host.
The first five items above have started being computationally explored by our team, as has the last item including experimentally. Some algorithmic proofs-of-concept, notably as concerns structural, flux, precursor and chemical organisation studies (see some of the publications of the last year and this one), have been established but much more work is necessary. The main difficulties with items 3 and 4 are of two sorts. The first one is a modelling issue: what are the best models for analysing and comparing two or more networks? This will greatly depend on the biological question put, whether evolutionary or functional, structural or physiologic, besides being a choice that should be motivated by the extent and quality of the data available. The second sort of difficulty ,which also applies to other items notably (item 2), is computational. Most of the problems related with analysing and specially comparing are known to be hard but many issues remain open. The question of a good random model (item 6) is also largely open.
Symbiotic dialog and genome evolution
Genomes are not static. Genes may get duplicated, sometimes the duplication affects the whole genome, or genes can transpose, while whole genomic segments can be reversed or deleted. Deletions are indeed one of the most common events observed for some symbionts. Genetic material may also be transferred across sub-species or species (lateral transfer), thus leading to the insertion of new elements in a genome. Finally, parts of a genome may be amplified through, for instance, slippage during DNA replication resulting in the multiplication of the copies of a repeat that appear tandemly arrayed along a genome. Tandem repeats, and other types of short or long repetitions are also believed to play a role in the generation of new genomic rearrangements although whether they are always the cause or consequence of the genome break and gene order change remains a disputed issue.
Work on this part will involve the following items:
extend the theoretical work done in the past years (rearrangement distance, rearrangement scenarios enumeration) to deal with different types of rearrangements and explore various types of biological constraints;
develop good random models (a largely open question despite some initial work in the area) for rearrangement distances and scenarios under a certain model, i.e. type of rearrangement operation(s) and of constraint(s), to assess whether the distances / scenarios observed have statistically notable characteristics;
extensively use the method(s) developed to investigate the rearrangement histories for the families of symbionts whose genomes have been sequenced and sufficiently annotated;
investigate the correlation of such histories with the repeats content and distribution along the genomes;
use the results of the above analyses together with a natural selection criterion to revisit the optimality model of rearrangement dynamics;
extend such model to deal with eukaryotic (multi-chromosomal) genomes;
at the interface host-symbiont, investigate the relation between the rearrangement histories in hosts and symbionts and the various types of symbiotic relationships observed in nature;
map such histories and their relation with the genetic and metabolic networks of hosts and symbionts, separately and at the interface;
develop methods to identify and quantify rearrangement events from NGS data.
Symbiotic dynamics
In order to understand the evolutionary consequences of symbiotic relations and their long term trajectories, one should be able to assess how tight is the association between symbionts and their hosts.
The main questions we would like to address are:
how often are symbionts horizontally transferred among branches of the host phylogenetic tree?
how long do parasites persist inside their host following the invasion of a new lineage?
Mathematically, these questions have been traditionally addressed by co-phylogenetic methods, that is by comparing the evolutionary histories of hosts and parasites as represented in phylogenetic trees.
Currently available co-phylogenetic algorithms present various types of limitations as suggested in recent surveys. This may seriously compromise their interpretation with a view to understanding the evolutionary dynamics of parasites in communities. A few examples of limitations are the (often wrong) assumption made that the same rates of loss and gain of parasite infection apply for every host taxonomic group, and the fact that the possibility of multi-infections is not considered. In the latter case, exchange of genetic material between different parasites of a same host could further scramble the co-evolutionary signal. We therefore plan to:
better formalise the problem and the different simplifications that could be made, or inversely, should be avoided in the co-phylogeny studies; examples of the latter are the possibility of multi-infections, differential rate of loss and gain of infection depending on the host taxonomic group and geographic distance between hosts, etc., and propose better co-phylogenetic algorithms;
elaborate series of simulated data that will enable to (i) get a better grasp of the effect of the different parameters of the problem and, more pratically, (ii) evaluate the performance of the method(s) that exist or are proposed (see next item);