Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

International Research Visitors

Visits of International Scientists

Rachid Seghir, assistant professor at University of Batna (Algeria), was invited in our team from May 10 to 26, 2012. We worked on improving ZPolyTrans , our library for computing integer affine images of -polyhedra. More precisely, we have implemented non-regression tests and we improved the performance of the library by reducing the complexity of some algorithms. Our major publication on this topic was published in 2012 in ACM TACO [15] .

Diego Garbervetsky, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina, has spent two weeks of October 2012 in the CAMUS team.


Juan Manuel Martinez Caamaño, who is Master student at the University of Buenos Aires, is doing his Master thesis internship in the CAMUS team from August 2012 to January 2013.

Gervasio Perez, PhD student at the University of Buenos Aires, Argentina, has spent one month in the CAMUS team in November 2012.

Visits to International Teams

Philippe Clauss visited the parallel computing research team of the University of Tunis, Tunisia, from November the 26th to the 30th. The main goal of the visit was to meet the student Imèn Fassi and her co-advisor Yosr Slama to work for the starting co-advised PhD thesis.

Alain Ketterlin has spent three weeks in the LAFHIS team in January 2012.

Philippe Clauss has spent one week in the LAFHIS team in December 2012.