Section: Dissemination


  • With Nazim Fatès (MAIA project-team), Jérémie Detrey participated in a 2-hour television program dedicated to computer science and research, which was broadcast on the internal channel of the Nancy-Brabois children's hospital.

  • Pierrick Gaudry:

    • co-organized a cycle of 3 conferences in the honour of Turing in Nancy. The three speakers were Giuseppe Longo, François Morain, and Jean Lassègue.

    • gave a talk at the “7ème colloque de l'ARCSI”, in Metz for a general audience.

  • Marion Videau:

    • participated to the film Le Modèle Turing of Catherine Bernstein (but her visual part was cut out during editing).

    • participated to a short television report for France 3 Lorraine about cryptography and her work as a researcher.

  • Paul Zimmermann gave a 2-hour presentation about cryptography to students of “seconde” and “terminale” at the Lycée Jean de Pange in Sarreguemines.