Section: Dissemination

Scientific Animation


Guillaume Bonfante:

  • was a member of the program committee of the workshop DICE 2012, Tallinn, Estonia,

  • refereed some projects for the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO).

Isabelle Gnaedig is:

  • co-leader of the EPI Carte ,

  • member of the scientific mediation committee of Inria Nancy Grand-Est,

  • member of the engineer recruitment committee of Inria Nancy-Grand Est,

  • social referee at Inria Nancy-Grand Est.

Mathieu Hoyrup is:

  • the organizer of the Seminar of the LORIA Department “Formal Methods”.

Jean-Yves Marion is:

  • head of the EPI Carte ,

  • head of the High Security Lab ,

  • member of the executive committee of Inria Nancy-Grand Est,

  • member if the AERES visiting committee,

  • member of the CNU, section 27,

  • member of the steering committee of DICE and LCC,

  • chair of Malware 2012 and PC member of PREW 2012,

  • co-organizer of a winter school at CIRM (one week on complexity).

Romain Pechoux is:

  • principal investigator of the Inria associate team Cristal.


Guillaume Bonfante:

  • talk at the "Rewriting and Logic Seminar" at the JAIST (Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology), Kanazawa, March 2012.

Emmanuel Hainry:

Mathieu Hoyrup:

Emmanuel Jeandel

  • invited to give a four hours minicourse: "Computational aspects of multidimensional symbolic dynamics", at the first DySyCo school (Dynamical Systems and Computation ) in Santiago, Chile, December 2012.

Jean-Yves Marion

  • talk on computer viruses at Corte, September, 2012 and at Grenoble, December, 2012,

  • two talks on computer viruses at Bloomington, Indiana University, October 29th and October 31st, 2012.