Section: Dissemination

Editorial Boards

  • of the International Journal of Applied Cryptography (IJACT) – Inderscience Publishers: David Pointcheval

Associate Editor-in-Chief
  • of Theory of Computing (ToC): Oded Regev

Associate Editor
  • of Security and Communication Networks: David Naccache

  • of Journal of Cryptographic Design: David Naccache

  • of Encyclopedia of Cryptography and Security: David Naccache

  • of Journal of Small Scale Digital Device Forensics (publication currently on hold for financial reasons): David Naccache

  • of Cryptologia – Taylor & Francis: David Naccache

  • of Information Processing Letters – Elsevier: David Pointcheval

  • of IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security: Michel Abdalla

Columnist (in charge of the bi-monthly CryptoCorner)
  • of the IEEE Security and Privacy Magazine: David Naccache