Section: New Results
Participants : Pierre-Alain Fouque, Jean-Christophe Zapalowicz.
Pierre-Alain Fouque joined the team Celtique from September 2011 to August 2012. As a cryptographer, he still worked on symmetric cryptography with his PhD and postdoc students and proposed new security analysis of the block-ciphers AES and Camellia using meet-in-the-middle techniques in [27] , [22] at IWSEC'12 and Indocrypt'12 and new security proofs for signature schemes AbdallaFLT12 at Eurocrypt'12 and elliptic-curve hash function [25] at LatinCrypt'12 with nice properties.
With Pierre-Alain, we also worked on more practical security aspects since his delegation in the Celtique team was to study side-channel attacks and formal methods. In side-channel attacks, we work with people from DGA and NTT in Japan to present new efficient attacks on one well-known implementation of RSA in many smartcards. Our attack targets any implementation of RSA using the Chinese Remainder Theorem in order to speed-up the computation, any exponentiation algorithm and the Montgomery multiplication. Usually, public-key cryptography requires large integer arithmetic and in order to accelerate the computation of the modulo, Montgomery proposed a new algorithm that avoids the need of arbitrary euclidean division which is the most consuming part of the exponentiation algorithm. This algorithm uses a small register (8, 16 or 32 bits depending on the architecture) during the computation and if a fault makes the value of this register much shorter, we show that we can recover the factorization of the RSA modulus in polynomial time. Furthermore, we describe on many proposed hardware architectures that our attack can indeed be used in practice if a laser is used to provoke the fault. This article has been published at CHES'12.
With people from DGA, we also studied how fault attack can be used to have buffer overflow effects. Indeed, by accelerating the clock, it is possible to avoid some instruction in the assembler code of a function. Consequently, if a fault avoids the function epilogue that restores the stack and registers to the state they were in before the function was called, then the stack pointer is changed and we can execute another function. Such attacks show that code executed in embedded processor have to be protected using buffer overflow techniques.
Finally, we also worked with people from DGA and Grenoble University to study security proofs in a computational logic. We show that the mode of operations of some hash functions is secure in [21] and published at CSF'12. In particular, we show a small bug in the security proof of the sponge construction used in the new SHA-3 candidate and winner of the competition Keccak.