Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


  • Alan Schmitt, Caml, 43h, L3, Insa Rennes, France

  • Alan Schmitt, Méthodes Formelles pour le développement de logiciels sûrs, 12h, M1, Rennes 1, France

  • Sandrine Blazy, Méthodes Formelles pour le développement de logiciels sûrs, 53h, M1, Rennes 1, France

  • Sandrine Blazy, Software vulnerabilities, 24h, M2PRO, Rennes 1

  • Sandrine Blazy, Mechanised semantics, 30h, M2R, Rennes 1, France

  • Sandrine Blazy, The Coq proof assistant, 6h, 4th Asian-Pacific summer school on formal methods, Shanghai, China

  • Sandrine Blazy, Functional programming, 30h, L3, Rennes 1, France

  • Frédéric Besson, Compilation, 30h, M1, Insa Rennes, France

  • Thomas Jensen, Program analysis and Semantics, 30h, M2R, Rennes 1, France

  • Thomas Jensen, Sécurité de logiciel, 30h, M2R, Rennes 1, France

  • Pierre-Alain Fouque, Cryptography, 58h, M2PRO, Rennes 1, France

  • Thomas Jensen, Static program analysis, 5h, Ecole Jeunes Chercheurs en Programmation.

  • Thomas Genet, Cryptography, 18h, M1, Rennes 1, France

  • Thomas Genet, Object-oriented software engineering, 48h, M1, Rennes 1, France

  • Thomas Genet, Software Formal Analysis and Design, 65h, M1, Rennes 1, France

  • Thomas Genet, Functional programming, 44h, L3, Rennes 1, France

  • David Cachera, Programming language semantics, 24h, M1, Rennes 1, France

  • David Cachera, Computability and Logic, 24h, L3, ENS Cachan Bretagne, France

  • David Cachera, Formal Languages, 24h, L3, ENS Cachan Bretagne, France

  • David Cachera, Algorithmics, 10h, M2FES, ENS Cachan Bretagne, France


PhD & HdR :

  • HdR : David Pichardie, Toward a Verified Software Toolchain for Java, ENS Cachan, November 19th 2012

  • PhD : Delphine Demange, Semantic foundations of intermediate program representations, ENS Cachan, October 19th 2012, Thomas Jensen and David Pichardie

  • PhD : Arnaud Jobin, Dioïdes et idéaux de polynômes en analyse statique, ENS Cachan, January 16th 2012, Thomas Jensen and David Cachera

  • PhD in progress: Zhoulai Fu, Abstract interpretation and memory analysis, octobre 2009, Thomas Jensen and David Pichardie

  • PhD in progress: Vincent Laporte, Formal verification of static analyses for low level langages, septembre 2012, Sandrine Blazy and David Pichardie

  • PhD in progress: Martin Bodin, Certified Analyses for JavaScript, September 2012, Thomas Jensen and Alan Schmitt

  • PhD in progress: Andre Oliveira Maroneze, Compilation vérifiée et calcul de temps d'exécution au pire cas, septembre 2010, Sandrine Blazy and Isabelle Puaut

  • PhD in progress: Stéphanie Riaud, Transformations de programmes pertinentes pour la sécurité du logiciel, septembre 2011, Sandrine Blazy

  • PhD in progress: J-C Zapalowicz, Formal methods for identifying security vulnerabilities, September 2011, Thomas Jensen and Pierre-Alain Fouque.

  • Pierre-Emmanuel Cornilleau: Result certification of static analyses using SMTs, October 2009, Frédéric Besson and Thomas Jensen.

  • PhD in progress: Valérie Murat, Automatic verification of infinite state systems using tree automata completion, septembre 2010, Thomas Genet

  • PhD in progress: Yann Salmon, Static Analysis of functional programs using tree automata, septembre 2011, Thomas Genet


  • Alan Schmitt, jury member for the HdR defense of Ludovic Henrio, July 19th 2012

  • Alan Schmitt, jury member (reviewer) for the PhD defense of Federico Ulliana, December 12 2012

  • Sandrine Blazy, jury member for the HDR defense of Eric Totel, December 2012, Supélec, Rennes

  • Sandrine Blazy, jury member (reviewer) for the PhD defense of Vincent Filou, December 2012, LABRI, Bordeaux

  • Thomas Jensen, jury member (reviewer) for the PhD defense of Tahina Ramananandro, January 2012, ENS Paris

  • Thomas Jensen, jury member (examiner) for the PhD defense of Jérémy Planul, February 2012, Ecole polytechnique

  • Pierre-Alain Fouque, jury member (reviewer) for the PhD defense of Olivier Meynard, January 2012, ENST Paris

  • Pierre-Alain Fouque, jury member (reviewer) for the PhD defense of Sylvain Heraud, February 2012, Nice-Sophia Antipolis

  • Pierre-Alain Fouque, jury member (reviewer) for the PhD defense of Christina Boura, January 2012, Paris 6 University