Section: New Results

Resource allocation and Scheduling

Divisible Load Scheduling

Participants : Olivier Beaumont, Nicolas Bonichon, Lionel Eyraud-Dubois.

Malleable tasks are jobs that can be scheduled with preemptions on a varying number of resources. In [22] , we focus on the special case of work-preserving malleable tasks, for which the area of the allocated resources does not depend on the allocation and is equal to the sequential processing time. Moreover, we assume that the number of resources allocated to each task at each time instant is bounded. We consider both the clairvoyant and non-clairvoyant cases, and we focus on minimizing the weighted sum of completion times. In the weighted non-clairvoyant case, we propose an approximation algorithm whose ratio (2) is the same as in the unweighted non-clairvoyant case. In the clairvoyant case, we provide a normal form for the schedule of such malleable tasks, and prove that any valid schedule can be turned into this normal form, based only on the completion times of the tasks. We show that in these normal form schedules, the number of preemptions per task is bounded by 3 on average. At last, we analyze the performance of greedy schedules, and prove that optimal schedules are greedy for a special case of homogeneous instances. We conjecture that there exists an optimal greedy schedule for all instances, which would greatly simplify the study of this problem. Finally, we explore the complexity of the problem restricted to homogeneous instances, which is still open despite its very simple expression. (Joint work with Loris Marchal from ENS Lyon)

Scheduling for Distributed Continuous Integration

Participants : Olivier Beaumont, Nicolas Bonichon, Ludovic Courtès.

In [21] , we consider the problem of schedul- ing a special kind of mixed data-parallel applications arising in the context of continuous integration. Continuous integration (CI) is a software engineering technique, which consists in re- building and testing interdependent software components as soon as developers modify them. The CI tool is able to provide quick feedback to the developers, which allows them to fix the bug soon after it has been introduced. The CI process can be described as a DAG where nodes represent package build tasks, and edges represent dependencies among these packages; build tasks themselves can in turn be run in parallel. Thus, CI can be viewed as a mixed data-parallel application. A crucial point for a successful CI process is its ability to provide quick feedback. Thus, makespan minimization is the main goal. Our contribution is twofold. First, we provide and analyze a large dataset corresponding to a build DAG. Second, we compare the performance of several scheduling heuristics on this dataset.

Resource Allocation in Clouds

Participants : Olivier Beaumont, Lionel Eyraud-Dubois, Hejer Rejeb.

In [14] , we consider the problem of assigning a set of clients with demands to a set of servers with capacities and degree constraints. The goal is to find an allocation such that the number of clients assigned to a server is smaller than the server's degree and their overall demand is smaller than the server's capacity, while maximizing the overall throughput. This problem has several natural applications in the context of independent tasks scheduling or virtual machines allocation. We consider both the offline (when clients are known beforehand) and the online (when clients can join and leave the system at any time) versions of the problem. We first show that the degree constraint on the maximal number of clients that a server can handle is realistic in many contexts. Then, our main contribution is to prove that even if it makes the allocation problem more difficult (NP-Complete), a very small additive resource augmentation on the servers degree is enough to find in polynomial time a solution that achieves at least the optimal throughput. After a set of theoretical results on the complexity of the offline and online versions of the problem, we propose several other greedy heuristics to solve the online problem and we compare the performance (in terms of throughput) and the cost (in terms of disconnections and reconnections) of all proposed algorithms through a set of extensive simulation results. (Joint work with Christopher Thraves-Caros, University of Madrid)

Non Linear Divisible Load Scheduling

Participants : Olivier Beaumont, Hubert Larchevêque.

Divisible Load Theory (DLT) has received a lot of attention in the past decade. A divisible load is a perfect parallel task, that can be split arbitrarily and executed in parallel on a set of possibly heterogeneous resources. The success of DLT is strongly related to the existence of many optimal resource allocation and scheduling algorithms, what strongly differs from general scheduling theory. Moreover, recently, close relationships have been underlined between DLT, that provides a fruitful theoretical framework for scheduling jobs on heterogeneous platforms, and MapReduce, that provides a simple and efficient programming framework to deploy applications on large scale distributed platforms. The success of both have suggested to extend their framework to non-linear complexity tasks. In [24] , we show that both DLT and MapReduce are better suited to workloads with linear complexity. In particular, we prove that divisible load theory cannot directly be applied to quadratic workloads, such as it has been proposed recently. We precisely state the limits for classical DLT studies and we review and propose solutions based on a careful preparation of the dataset and clever data partitioning algorithms. In particular, through simulations, we show the possible impact of this approach on the volume of communications generated by MapReduce, in the context of Matrix Multiplication and Outer Product algorithms. (Joint work with Loris Marchal from ENS Lyon)

Reliable Service Allocation in Clouds

Participants : Olivier Beaumont, Lionel Eyraud-Dubois, Hubert Larchevêque.

In [23] , we consider several reliability problems that arise when allocating applications to processing resources in a Cloud computing platform. More specifically, we assume on the one hand that each computing resource is associated to a capacity constraint and to a probability of failure. On the other hand, we assume that each service runs as a set of independent instances of identical Virtual Machines, and that the Service Level Agreement between the Cloud provider and the client states that a minimal number of instances of the service should run with a given probability. In this context, given the capacity and failure probabilities of the machines, and the capacity and reliability demands of the services, the question for the cloud provider is to find an allocation of the instances of the services (possibly using replication) onto machines satisfying all types of constraints during a given time period. The goal of this work is to assess the impact of the reliability constraint on the complexity of resource allocation problems. We consider several variants of this problem, depending on the number of services and whether their reliability demand is individual or global. We prove several fundamental complexity results (#P' and NP-completeness results) and we provide several optimal and approximation algorithms. In particular, we prove that a basic randomized allocation algorithm, that is easy to implement, provides optimal or quasi-optimal results in several contexts, and we show through simulations that it also achieves very good results in more general settings.

Optimizing Resource allocation while handling SLA violations in Cloud Computing platforms

Participants : Lionel Eyraud-Dubois, Hubert Larchevêque.

In [29] , we study a resource allocation problem in the context of Cloud Computing, where a set of Virtual Machines (VM) has to be placed on a set of Physical Machines (PM). Each VM has a given demand (e.g. CPU demand), and each PM has a capacity. However, each VM only uses a fraction of its demand. The aim is to exploit the difference between the demand of the VM and its real utilization of the resources, to exploit the capacities of the PMs as much as possible. Moreover, the real consumption of the VMs can change over time (while staying under its original demand), implying sometimes expensive “SLA violations”, corresponding to some VM's consumption not satisfied because of overloaded PMs. Thus, while optimizing the global resource utilization of the PMs, it is necessary to ensure that at any moment a VM's need evolves, a few number of migrations (moving a VM from PM to PM) is sufficient to find a new configuration in which all the VMs' consumptions are satisfied. We modelize this problem using a fully dynamic bin packing approach and we present an algorithm ensuring a global utilization of the resources of 66%. Moreover, each time a PM is overloaded at most one migration is necessary to fall back in a configuration with no overloaded PM, and only 3 different PMs are concerned by required migrations that may occur to keep the global resource utilization correct. This allows the platform to be highly resilient to a great number of changes.