Section: New Results
Recent advances in geolocated capacities, secure and verified positioning techniques, ubiquitous connectivity, as well as mobile and embedded systems, have led to the development of a plethora of Location-Based Services (LBS), personalizing the services they deliver according to the location of the user querying the service. However, beyond the benefits they provide, users have started to be worried about the privacy breaches caused by such systems. Among all the Personally Identifiable Information (PII), learning the location of an individual is one of the greatest threats against privacy. In particular, an inference attack [19] , can use mobility data (together with some auxiliary information) to deduce the points of interests characterizing his mobility, to predict his past, current and future locations [34] or even to identify his social network.
In order to address and mitigate these privacy issues, within the AMORES project [31] , we aim at developing an architecture for the provision of privacy-preserving and resilient collaborative services for “mobiquitous” (i.e., mobile and ubiquitous) systems. The project is built around three uses-cases from the area of publication transportation: (1) dynamic carpooling, (2) real-time computation of multimodal transportation itineraries and (3) mobile social networking. Recently, we have introduced the concept of locanym [35] , which corresponds to a pseudonym linked to a particular location that could be used as a basis for developing privacy-preserving LBS.
Privacy-enhanced Social Networks
In [49] , we have introduced a new research track focusing on the protection of privacy in distributed social networks, which corresponds to the PhD thesis of Regina Paiva Melo Marin. Our first step has been a study of the needs and practices regarding privacy and personal data policies in social networking frameworks. The commonly accepted requirements for general privacy policies are evaluated with respect to the corresponding notions found in European regulations, and then interpreted in the context of social networking applications. One of the main finding of this study is that some of these requirements are not met by the existing social networks (be they widely used or in development, centralized or distributed, focusing on personal data monetization or on user privacy). The concept of purpose, as well as the associated notions of minimization, finality and proportionality, in particular, appears to be insufficiently described in the various policy models. Finally, we have proposed a set of minimal requirements that a privacy policy framework designed for distributed social networks should meet for it to be sufficiently expressive with regards to the current regulations.
Privacy Enhancing Technologies
Even though they integrate some blind submission functionalities, current conference review systems, such as EasyChair and EDAS, do not fully protect the privacy of authors and reviewers, in particular from the eyes of the program chair. As a consequence, their use may cause a lack of objectivity in the decision process. To address this issue, we have proposed in collaboration with researchers from the Université de Montréal, P3ERS (for Privacy-Preserving PEer Review System) [17] , a distributed conference review system based on group signatures, which aims at preserving the privacy of all participants involved in the peer review process. One of the main ideas of P3ERS is to ensure the privacy of both the authors and the reviewers (and this even from the point of view of the conference provider and the conference chair) by using two different groups of users. In particular, the authors can submit anonymized papers on behalf of the author group to the program chair, who then dispatches the papers according to the declared skills of the reviewer group members in an oblivious manner. In this way, the program chair knows neither the identity of the authors (until a paper is accepted, if it is) nor the correspondence between papers and reviewers.
In [25] , we have considered the setting in which the profile of a user is represented in a compact way, as a Bloom filter, and the main objective is to privately compute in a distributed manner the similarity between users by relying only on the Bloom filter representation. In particular, our main objective is to provide a high level of privacy with respect to the profile even if a potentially unbounded number of similarity computations take place, thus calling for a non-interactive mechanism. To achieve this, we have proposed a novel non-interactive differentially private mechanism called BLIP (for BLoom-and-flIP) for randomizing Bloom filters. This approach relies on a bit flipping mechanism and offers high privacy guarantees while maintaining a small communication cost. Another advantage of this non-interactive mechanism is that similarity computation can take place even when the user is offline, which is impossible to achieve with interactive mechanisms. Another contribution of this work is the definition of a probabilistic inference attack, called the “Profile Reconstruction attack”, that can be used to reconstruct the profile of an individual from his Bloom filter representation. More specifically, we provided an analysis of the protection offered by BLIP against this profile reconstruction attack by deriving an upper and lower bound for the required value of the differential privacy parameter .
In order to contribute to solve the personalization/privacy paradox, we have proposed a privacy-preserving architecture for one of the state of the art recommendation algorithm, Slope One [36] . More precisely, we designed SlopPy (for Slope One with Privacy), a privacy-preserving version of Slope One in which a user never releases directly his personal information (i.e., his ratings). Rather, each user first perturbs locally his information by applying a Randomized Response Technique before sending this perturbed data to a semi-trusted entity responsible for storing it. While there is a trade-off to set between the desired privacy level and the utility of the resulting recommendation, our preliminary experiments clearly demonstrate that SlopPy is able to provide a high level of privacy at the cost of a small decrease of utility.
A privacy-preserving identity card is a personal device device that allows its owner to prove some binary statements about himself (such as his right of access to some resources or a property linked to his identity) while minimizing personal information leakage. As a follow-up of previous works, we have discussed a taxonomy of threats against the card. Finally, we also proposed for security and cryptography experts some novel challenges and research directions raised by the privacy-preserving identity card [50] .
Privacy and Data Mining
In [44] , [33] , we have introduced a novel inference attack that we coined as the reconstruction attack whose objective is to reconstruct a probabilistic version of the original dataset on which a classifier was learnt from the description of this classifier and possibly some auxiliary information. In a nutshell, the reconstruction attack exploits the structure of the classifier in order to derive a probabilistic version of dataset on which this model has been trained. Moreover, we proposed a general framework that can be used to assess the success of a reconstruction attack in terms of a novel distance between the reconstructed and original datasets. In case of multiple releases of classifiers, we also gave a strategy that can be used to merge the different reconstructed datasets into a single coherent one that is closer to the original dataset than any of the simple reconstructed datasets. Finally, we gave an instantiation of this reconstruction attack on a decision tree classifier that was learnt using the algorithm C4.5 and evaluated experimentally its efficiency. The results of this experimentation demonstrate that the proposed attack is able to reconstruct a significant part of the original dataset, thus highlighting the need to develop new learning algorithms whose output is specifically tailored to mitigate the success of this type of attack.
Privacy and Web Services
We have proposed [18] a new model of security policy based for a first part on our previous works in information flow policy and for a second part on a model of Myers and Liskov. This new model of information flow serves web services security and allows a user to precisely define where its own sensitive pieces of data are allowed to flow through the definition of an information flow policy. A novel feature of such policy is that they can be dynamically updated, which is fundamental in the context of web services that allow the dynamic discovery of services. We have also presented an implementation of this model in a web services orchestration in BPEL (Business Process Execution Language) [18] .