Section: New Results

Foundations of information hiding

Information hiding refers to the problem of protecting private information while performing certain tasks or interactions, and trying to avoid that an adversary can infer such information. This is one of the main areas of research in Comète; we are exploring several topics, described below.

Measuring information leakage

A fundamental concern in computer security is to control information flow, whether to protect confidential information from being leaked, or to protect trusted information from being tainted. In view of the pragmatic difficulty of preventing undesirable flows completely, there is now much interest in theories that allow information flow to be quantified, so that “small” leaks can be tolerated. In [19] we introduced g-leakage, a rich generalization of the min-entropy model of quantitative information flow. In g-leakage, the benefit that an adversary derives from a certain guess about a secret is specified using a gain function g. Gain functions allow a wide variety of operational scenarios to be modeled, including those where the adversary benefits from guessing a value close to the secret, guessing a part of the secret, guessing a property of the secret, or guessing the secret within some number of tries. We proved important properties of g-leakage, including bounds between min-capacity, g-capacity, and Shannon capacity. We also showed a deep connection between a strong leakage ordering on two channels, C1 and C2, and the possibility of factoring C1 into C2 C3 , for some C3 . Based on this connection, we proposed a generalization of the Lattice of Information from deterministic to probabilistic channels.

Interactive systems

In [12] we have considered systems where secrets and observables can alternate during the computation. We have shown that the information-theoretic approach which interprets such systems as (simple) noisy channels is not valid anymore. However, the principle can be recovered if we consider more complicated types of channels, that in Information Theory are known as channels with memory and feedback. We have shown that there is a complete correspondence between interactive systems and such kind of channels. Furthermore, we have shown that the capacity of the channels associated to such systems is a continuous function of the Kantorovich metric.


Unlinkability is a privacy property of crucial importance for several systems (such as RFID or voting systems). Informally, unlinkability states that, given two events/items in a system, an attacker is not able to infer whether they are related to each other. However, in the literature we find several definitions for this notion, which are apparently unrelated and shows a potentially problematic lack of agreement. In [22] we shed new light on unlinkability by comparing different ways of defining it and showing that in many practical situations the various definitions coincide. It does so by (a) expressing in a unifying framework four definitions of unlinkability from the literature (b) demonstrating how these definitions are different yet related to each other and to their dual notion of “inseparability” and (c) by identifying conditions under which all these definitions become equivalent. We argued that the conditions are reasonable to expect in identification systems, and we prove that they hold for a generic class of protocols.

A compositional method to compute the sensitivity of differentially private queries

Differential privacy is a modern approach in privacy-preserving data analysis to control the amount of information that can be inferred about an individual by querying a database. The most common techniques are based on the introduction of probabilistic noise, often defined as a Laplacian parametric on the sensitivity of the query. In order to maximize the utility of the query, it is crucial to estimate the sensitivity as precisely as possible.

In [28] we considered relational algebra, the classical language for expressing queries in relational databases, and we proposed a method for computing a bound on the sensitivity of queries in an intuitive and compositional way. We used constraint-based techniques to accumulate the information on the possible values for attributes provided by the various components of the query, thus making it possible to compute tight bounds on the sensitivity.

A differentially private mechanism of optimal utility for a region of priors

Differential privacy (already introduced in the previous section) is usually achieved by using mechanisms that add random noise to the query answer. Thus, privacy is obtained at the cost of reducing the accuracy, and therefore the utility, of the answer. Since the utility depends on the user's side information, commonly modeled as a prior distribution, a natural goal is to design mechanisms that are optimal for every prior. However, it has been shown in the literature that such mechanisms do not exist for any query other than counting queries.

Given the above negative result, in [38] we considered the problem of identifying a restricted class of priors for which an optimal mechanism does exist. Given an arbitrary query and a privacy parameter, we geometrically characterized a special region of priors as a convex polytope in the priors space. We then derived upper bounds for utility as well as for min-entropy leakage for the priors in this region. Finally we defined what we call the tight-constraints mechanism and we discussed the conditions for its existence. This mechanism has the property of reaching the bounds for all the priors of the region, and thus it is optimal on the whole region.

Differential privacy with general metrics

Differential privacy, already described above, is a formal privacy guarantee that ensures that sensitive information relative to individuals cannot be easily inferred by disclosing answers to aggregate queries. If two databases are adjacent, i.e. differ only for an individual, then querying them should not allow to tell them apart by more than a certain factor. The transitive application of this property induces a bound also on the distinguishability of two generic databases, which is determined by their distance on the Hamming graph of the adjacency relation.

In [37] we lifted the restriction relative to the Hamming graphs and we explored the implications of differential privacy when the indistinguishability requirement depends on an arbitrary notion of distance. We showed that we can express, in this way, (protection against) kinds of privacy threats that cannot be naturally represented with the standard notion. We gave an intuitive characterization of these threats in terms of Bayesian adversaries, which generalizes the characterization of (standard) differential privacy from the literature. Next, we revisited the well-known result on the non-existence of universally optimal mechanisms for any query other than counting queries. We showed that in our setting, for certain kinds of distances, there are many more queries for which universally optimal mechanisms exist: Notably sum, average, and percentile queries. Finally, we showed some applications in various domains: statistical databases where the units of protection are groups (rather than individuals), geolocation, and smart metering.

Privacy for location-based systems

The growing popularity of location-based systems, allowing unknown/untrusted servers to easily collect and process huge amounts of users' information regarding their location, has recently started raising serious concerns about the privacy of this kind of sensitive information. In [36] we studied geo-indistinguishability, a formal notion of privacy for location-based systems that protects the exact location of a user, while still allowing approximate information - typically needed to obtain a certain desired service - to be released.

Our privacy definition formalizes the intuitive notion of protecting the user's location within a radius r with a level of privacy that depends on r. We presented three equivalent characterizations of this notion, one of which corresponds to a generalized version [37] of the well-known concept of differential privacy. Furthermore, we presented a perturbation technique for achieving geo-indistinguishability by adding controlled random noise to the user's location, drawn from a planar Laplace distribution. We demonstrated the applicability of our technique through two case studies: First, we showed how to enhance applications for location-based services with privacy guarantees by implementing our technique on the client side of the application. Second, we showed how to apply our technique to sanitize location-based sensible information collected by the US Census Bureau.

Compositional analysis of information hiding

Systems concerned with information hiding often use randomization to obfuscate the link between the observables and the information to be protected. The degree of protection provided by a system can be expressed in terms of the probability of error associated to the inference of the secret information. In [15] we considered a probabilistic process calculus to specify such systems, and we studied how the operators affect the probability of error. In particular, we characterized constructs that have the property of not decreasing the degree of protection, and that can therefore be considered safe in the modular construction of these systems. As a case study, we applied these techniques to the Dining Cryptographers, and we derived a generalization of Chaum's strong anonymity result.

In [29] , a similar framework was proposed for reasoning about the degree of differential privacy provided by such systems. In particular, we investigated the preservation of the degree of privacy under composition via the various operators. We illustrated our idea by proving an anonymity-preservation property for a variant of the Crowds protocol for which the standard analyses from the literature are inapplicable. Finally, we made some preliminary steps towards automatically computing the degree of privacy of a system in a compositional way.

Anonymous and route-secure communication systems

Incentives to Cooperation. Anonymity systems have a broad range of users, ranging from ordinary citizens who want to avoid being profiled for targeted advertisements, to companies trying to hide information from their competitors, to entities requiring untraceable communication over the Internet. With these many potential users, it would seem that anonymity services based on a consumer/provider users will naturally be well-resourced and able to operate efficiently. However, cooperation cannot be taken for granted. Current deployed systems show that some users will indeed act selfishly, and only use the system to send their messages whilst ignoring the requests to forward others' messages. Obviously, with not enough cooperative users, the systems will hardly operate at all, and will certainly not be able to afford adequate anonymity guarantees. It is therefore vital that these systems are able to deploy incentives to encourage users' cooperation and so make the anonymity provision effective. Some interesting approaches to achieve that have been proposed, such as make running relays easier and provide better forwarding performance.

To evaluate whether these approaches are effective, we need a framework which empowers us to analyze them, as well as provide guidelines and some mechanism design principles for incentive schemes. This much we have provided in [30] , exploiting notions and techniques from Game Theory. We proposed a game theoretic framework and used it to analyze users' behaviours and also predict what strategies users will choose under different circumstances and according to their exact balance of preferences among factors such as anonymity, performance (message delivery time) and cost. Significantly, we also used the model to assess the effectiveness of the gold-star incentive mechanism, which was introduced in Tor network to encourage users to act as cooperative relays, and thus enhance the service performance for well-behaved forwarders.

Trust in anonymity networks. Trust metrics are used in anonymity networks to support and enhance reliability in the absence of verifiable identities, and a variety of security attacks currently focus on degrading a user's trustworthiness in the eyes of the other users. In [16] we have presented an enhancement of the Crowds anonymity protocol via a notion of trust which allows crowd members to route their traffic according to their perceived degree of trustworthiness of each other member of the crowd. Such trust relations express a measure of an individual's belief that another user may become compromised by an attacker, either by a direct attempt to corrupt or by a denial-of-service attack. Our protocol variation has the potential of improving the overall trustworthiness of data exchanges in anonymity networks, which cannot normally be taken for granted in a context where users are actively trying to conceal their identities. Using such formalization, in the paper we have then analyzed quantitatively the privacy properties of the protocol under standard and adaptive attacks.