

Section: Dissemination

Scientific Animation

Grégory Batt has organized an international workshop on Design, optimization and control in systems and synthetic biology at ENS Paris during two days (15 speakers, 230 registered participants, 14 nationalities).

Grégory Batt's invited seminars:

  • Summer school Naturel et artificiel: le vivant et ses représentations, Berder, Apr 03, invited talk

  • Model-based analysis and control of cellular processes workshop, Purdue, IN, USA, Oct 09, contributed talk

  • Perspectives en Biologie de Synthèse, Aviesan/Allenvi workshop, Paris, Dec 11, invited talk

He has been a member of the Program Committee of the JOBIM'12 conference. He was a reviewer for Bioinformatics, IEEE Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, and Biosystems.

François Bertaux was invited to short working visits at the Weiss Lab (MIT, Boston, USA) - March and May/June.

Xavier Duportet's invited seminar and contributed poster presentations:

  • La Biologie de Synthèse, Bar des Sciences, Paris, April 06, invited talk

  • SynBerc retreat, MIT, USA, October 11, poster

He has been involved in technological transfer activities:

  • Provisional patent application: High-throughput discovery of recombinase sites towards the engineering of recombinase specificity

  • Gen9 Inaugural G-Prize, 3rd place winner, Cambridge, MA

He is a member of Synthetic Biology Scientific Committee at Alliance pour la recherche et l'innovation des industries de santé (ARIIS), Paris.

François Fages is a member of

  • Editorial Board of RAIRO Operations Research ,

  • Steering Committee of the International Conference series on Computational Methods in Systems Biology (CMSB).

He is a member of the Scientific Advisory Boards of

  • the Center for Systems Biology at Edinburgh, Scotland,

  • the Doctorate School Frontières du Vivant of the University Paris Descartes

  • the Laboratoire d'Informatique Fondamentale, University of Orléans.

and a member of the

  • “Comité de pilotage” of the OSEO BioIntelligence project, coordinated by Dassault-Systèmes

François Fages has co-organized the fourth international workshop on “Bin packing and placement constraints” BPPC'12 associated to CPAIOR'12 in Nantes, June 2012.

He was member of the program committees of CHR'12, CMSB'12, CS2BIO'12, FHIES'12, ICORES'12, SASB'12 and WCB'12. He has reviewed articles for the following journals: ACM Transactions on Computational Logics, Artificial Intelligence, Constraints, BioMedCentral systems biology, Constraints, PLOS One, Rairo OR.

François Fages was reviewer of research grants for

  • the Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR),

  • the Royal Society (London),

  • and the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF).

Invited seminars:

  • Dagstuhl's seminar on formal methods for chemical reaction networks, Schloss Dagstuhl, Germany, October 2012.

  • Formal methods in systems biology workshop, associated to CAV'12, Berkeley, USA, July 2012.

  • Symposium Biointelligence, Sophia-Antipolis, July 2012.

  • CP meets CAV workshop, Turunc, Turkey, June 2012.

  • 25 ans du LIFO, Orléans, March 2012.

Thierry Martinez acted as a member of the Program Committee of CHR'12.

Sylvain Soliman acted as reviewer for CMSB'12 and BMC Systems Biology, as member of the Program Committee of JFPC'12. He was also expert/reviewer for the French PEPS biologie-mathématiques-informatique call (CNRS/INSERM/Inria).

He gave an invited seminar at Institut Curie's bioinformatics team. “Reaction Graphs to Regulatory Networks - Theory to practice”.

Szymon Stoma was invited to short working visits at the Weiss Lab (MIT, Boston, USA) - March and May/June.

Denis Thieffry is currently

  • member of the Comité Scientifique Sectoriel of the Department Biologie et Santé of the ANR;

  • member of the Comité de Pilotage of the LabEx MemoLife (involving teams from IBEns, Collège de France, and ESPCI);

  • member of the CNRS/INSERM ATIP/Avenir Scientific Committee (young group leader grant scheme);

  • member of the board of the PhD Program Complexity in Post-Genomic Biology of the University of Torino;

  • member of the program committees for ECCB-ISMB, JOBIM, CMSB, and SASB;

  • Editor of BioSystems;

  • Associated Editor of PLoS Computational Biology;

  • Adviser for the PLoS Biology Education series.

Jannis Uhlendorf gave an invited seminar at the BioComputing group of the Laboratoire d'Informatique Fondamentale de Lille on Real-time control of gene expression in February 2012.