

Section: Dissemination


Our PNAS article attracted the attention of the media. Articles entitled “Ils contrôlent le vivant avec des ordinateurs !”, “Des cellules qui obéissent au doigt et à l'oeil”, “Focusing the phenotype - Controlling genetic expression through external feedback” appeared in l'Humanité Dimanche, le journal du CNRS, and Phys.org. Also, Grégory Batt participated to the radio program “Autour de la question” (RFI).

Two posters, “(Re)programmer le vivant” and “Des cellules pilotées par ordinateur”, were presented during the Fête de la science to a broad audience during two days by Grégory Batt.

Denis Thieffry has two books in press:

  • Thieffry D. Gene networks, logical modelling, and regulatory motifs entries. In: Hancock JM, Zvelebil MJ (eds). Dictionary of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology. New York: John Wiley & Sons.

  • Faur A, Thieffry D. Cell cycle modelling using logical rules. In: Dubitzky W, Wolkenhauer O, Cho K-H, Yokota H (eds.) Encyclopedia of Systems Biology. Springer.