Section: Dissemination
Scientific Animation
Member of the Board of Directors in Organization of Computation Neuroscience (A. Hutt)
Member of the steering committee of the french association for Artificial Intelligence (AFIA) (F. Alexandre)
Member of the board of directors of the LORIA laboratory (B. Girau).
Head of the Complex systems and AI department of the LORIA laboratory (B. Girau)
Member of the Comité du Développement Technologique (L. Bougrain)
Member of the “Bureau du Comité de Projets” (Steering Committee of the Project-Team Committee) (F. Alexandre, until Aug 2012)
F. Alexandre and T. Viéville are members (and moderators) of the scientific committee of NeuroComp, the initiative to gather the french community in Computational Neuroscience (annual conference and web site: ).
Review activities
Reviewing for journals: Applied Intelligence, RIA, J. Physiol. (F. Alexandre), Physica A, Physical Review E, Physical Review Letters, Neuroimage, Cognitive Neurodynamics, J. Biological Physics, Mathematical Neuroscience, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A (A. Hutt)
Reviewing for journals: Applied Intelligence, RIA, J. Physiol. (F. Alexandre), Physical Review Letters, Neuroimage, Cognitive Neurodynamics, Mathematical Neuroscience (A. Hutt)
Member of program committees: Reconfig (B. Girau), CAP (L. Bougrain, F. Alexandre)
Reviewing (A. Hutt) for the NWO (Science Foundation Netherlands), the ANR and several french regional and territorial agencies (F. Alexandre)
Workshops, conferences and seminars
Organization of the NeuroComp/KEOpS’12 workshop, Beyond the retina: from computational models to outcomes in bioengineering. Focus on architecture and dynamics sustaining information flows in the visuomotor system. Bordeaux, October the 10th and 11th (F. Alexandre and T. Viéville).
Co-organization of the “Robots et corps” conference, 18/10/2012, Nancy (N. Rougier)
Co-organization of CAP'12, French conference on Machine Learning, 23-25/05/2012, Nancy (L. Bougrain)
Invited speaker and project leader on "Inverse reinforcement learning for a brain-computer interfaces driven robotic arm control", 8th International Summer Workshop on Multimodal Interfaces, eNTERFACE 2012, 02-27/07/2012, Metz (L. Bougrain)
Invited speaker on “Brain-Machines Interfaces”, "Robots et corps" conference, 18/10/2012, Nancy (L. Bougrain)
Speaker on "Brain-computer interfaces", meeting on ICT for autonomy during the Autonomic event, 18-19/10/2012, Metz (L. Bougrain)
Exhibitor on Neuroprosthetics for the Inria Industry meeting on Numerical Simulation for Healthcare and Wellbeing, 21/11/2012, Strasbourg (L. Bougrain)