Section: Software
ENAS: Event Neural Assembly Simulation
Participants : Frédéric Alexandre, Axel Hutt, Nicolas Rougier, Thierry Viéville.
EnaS (that stands for “Event Neural Assembly Simulation”) is a middleware implementing our last numerical and theoretical developments, allowing to simulate and analyze so called "event neural assemblies". The recent achievements include (in collaboration with the Neuromathcomp EPI): spike trains statistical analysis via Gibbs distributions, spiking network programing for exact event's sequence restitution, discrete neural field parameters algorithmic adjustments and time-constrained event-based network simulation reconciling clock and event based simulation methods. It has been designed as plug-in for our simulators (e.g. DANA or Mvaspike) as other existing simulators (via the NeuralEnsemble meta-simulation platform) and additional modules for computations with neural unit assembly on standard platforms (e.g. Python or the Scilab platform).