Section: New Results
Dynamic Neural Fields
Participants : Frédéric Alexandre, Yann Boniface, Laurent Bougrain, Georgios Detorakis, Hervé Frezza-Buet, Bernard Girau, Axel Hutt, Mathieu Lefort, Nicolas Rougier, Wahiba Taouali.
The work reported this year represents both extensions of previous works and new results linked to the notion of neural population, considered at (i) a formal level (theoretical studies of neural fields), (ii) a numerical level (study of functioning and learning rules) and (iii) a more embodied one (implementations of specific functions).
Formal Level
To study the effect of external stimuli on nonlinear neural population dynamics involving constant delays, the work aims to apply the center manifold theorem and derive expressions of the time-dependent centre manifold. It is observed that additive noise and external quasi-periodic driving change the stability of neural populations dependent on the delay [9] , [10] .
Numerical Level
At the numerical level, specific developments were carried out to assess our software platform, to master functioning rules and to study the performances of new learning rules:
Adaptation of the BCM rule to multi-modality by adapting the dynamics of the threshold by the use of a feed-back signal generated by a neural field map [1] , [26]
We investigate the formation and maintenance of ordered topographic maps in the primary somatosensory cortex as well as the reorganization of representations after sensory deprivation or cortical lesion. We consider both the critical period (postnatal) where representations are shaped and the post-critical period where representations are maintained and possibly reorganized. We hypothesize that feed-forward thalamocortical connections are an adequate site of plasticity while cortico-cortical connections are believed to drive a competitive mechanism that is critical for learning. We model a small skin patch located on the distal phalangeal surface of a digit as a set of 256 Merkel ending complexes (MEC) that feed a computational model of the primary somatosensory cortex (area 3b). This model is a two-dimensional neural field where spatially localized solutions (a.k.a. bumps) drive cortical plasticity through a Hebbian-like learning rule. Simulations explain the initial formation of ordered representations following repetitive and random stimulations of the skin patch. Skin lesions as well as cortical lesions are also studied and results confirm the possibility to reorganize representations using the same learning rule and depending on the type of the lesion. For severe lesions, the model suggests that cortico-cortical connections may play an important role in complete recovery [6] .
Embodied Level
Motion detection
We develop bio-inspired neural architectures to extract and segment the direction and speed components of the optical flow from sequences of images. Following this line, we have built additional models to code and distinguish different visual sequences. The structure of these models takes inspiration from the course of visual movement processing in the human brain, such as in area MT (middle temporal) that detects patterns of movement, or area FBA where neurons have been found to be sensitive to single spatio-temporal patterns. This work has been extended to complex movements: to fight, to wave, to clap, using real-world video databases [5] .
Anticipatory mechanisms in neural fields
We have defined first models of neural fields that include anticipatory mechanisms through the integration of spatiotemporal representations into the lateral interactions of a dynamic neural field. In [20] , the case of multiple anticipated trajectories is studied.
Action selection
Within the context of enaction and a global approach to perception, we focused on the characteristics of neural computation necessary to understand the relationship between structures in the brain and their functions. We first considered computational problems related to the discretization of differential equations that govern the studied systems and the synchronous and asynchronous evaluation schemes. Then, we investigated a basic functional level : the transformation of spatial sensory representations into temporal motor actions within the visual-motor system. We focused on the visual flow from the retina to the superior colliculus to propose a minimalist model of automatic encoding of saccades to visual targets. This model, based on simple local rules (CNFT and logarithmic projection) in a homogeneous population and using a sequential processing, reproduces and explains several results of biological experiments. It is then considered as a robust and efficient basic model. Finally, we investigated a more general functional level by proposing a computational model of the basal ganglia motor loop. This model integrates sensory, motor and motivational flows to perform a global decision based on local assessments. We implemented an adaptive process for action selection and context encoding through an innovative mechanism that allows to form the basic circuit for other cortico-basal loops. This mechanism allows to create internal representations according to the enactive approach that opposes the computer metaphor of the brain. Both models have interesting dynamics to study from whether a biological point of view or a computational numerical one [2] , [12] .