Section: Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry
Data-aggregation for large-scale distributed networks
Participants : Bruno Sericola, Romaric Ludinard.
We started a 3-year (2011 – 2014) bilateral project with Technicolor R & D, France, on data-aggregation for large-scale distributed networks. Along with the ubiquity of data and computing devices, comes the complexity of extracting and gathering relevant information for management purposes. The very distributed nature of sources of data (be they partially local applications at user's place, or hardware as gateways), as well as their ever increasing number prohibit a systematic and exhaustive gathering on a single (or few) central server for offline analysis. In this context, collaborative data aggregation, where some computing resources collaborate securely to provide digests, appears as an interesting application for both scalability and efficiency. Moreover, collecting information at a large scale pose the problem of privacy and data aggregation may allow preserving the privacy while collecting data.