Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

International Initiatives

Inria Associate Teams


Participants : Claude Jard, Albert Benveniste.

The associated team Fossa studies the formalization of service orchestrations in the open world of the Internet. The original Fossa consortium involved two teams on the Inria side, namely Distribcom (Albert Benveniste and Claude Jard, Rennes, leader of Fossa ) and Mexico (Stefan Haar, Saclay). In early 2011, both teams agreed that Mexico did not have the resources to participate in Fossa at an appropriate level. So they agreed that Mexico would no longer participate in Fossa . The team of Cook and Misra at the Computer Science Department, University of Texas at Austin, is among the leading teams on wide area distributed systems and programming. Jayadev Misra (http://www.cs.utexas.edu/~misra/ ) has a long record of results tracing back to the 1980's with his work on the Unity language. Since 2000, he and William Cook are committed to the design and development of the ORC(http://orc.csres.utexas.edu ) script language for composite services over the Web. This team is therefore the premier player in this area, combining both a strong theoretical research and a professional tool development. Since his launching in 2004, the DistribCom (http://www.irisa.fr/distribcom/ ) Inria team, with Albert Benveniste, Claude Jard, and Loïc Hélouët, is involved in the study of Quality of Service (QoS) issues in service orchestrations as well as document based workflows. Fossa was started with the overall objective of enhancing ORC with the advances performed by DistribCom on the above two subjects.

Fossa has lived from 2010 to 2012. QoS weaving was the main topic developed in 2012. John Thywissen (Austin side), Ajay Kattepur and Claude Jard (Inria side) were the principal contributors. The strategy was to first focus on causality tracking. This has been implemented in ORC using transformations in the OIL intermediate form. Causality has then been extended with QoS and implemented. A joint paper is under finalization. This year, we have also worked on a joint general paper on the overall approach. On the topic of Active XML and ORC integration, the team has decided to put energy on the development of the AXML REST platform developed by Loïc Hélouët and Benoît Masson (post-doctorate). This platform is a natural candidate for integrating AXML+ORC, as we think. But the cooperative work has not really started, due to overload of the corresponding teams.

Inria International Partners

Distribcom has lively collaboration with the National University of Singapore, where Blaise Genest spent the last 3 years. We also have long lasting collaboration with the Chennai Mathematical Institute.

Participation In International Programs

Danish-French collaboration
  • Program: Action des ambassades de France

  • Title: Modular design and verification of stochastic systems

  • Inria principal investigator: Axel LEGAY

  • International Partner (Institution - Laboratory - Researcher):

    • University of Aalborg (Denmark)

  • Duration: Jan 2010 - Dec 2012

Tournesol (Belgium)
  • Program: PHC

  • Title: Vérification de lignes de produits logiciels

  • Inria principal investigator: Axel LEGAY

  • International Partner (Institution - Laboratory - Researcher):

    • University of Namur (Belgium)

  • Duration: Jan 2011 - Dec 2012