Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


  • Licence : Guillaume Aucher, Programmation Impérative 1, 40h eq. TD, L1, University of Rennes 1, France

  • Licence : Guillaume Aucher, Algorithms for graphs, 20h eq. TD, L3, University of Rennes 1, France

  • Doctorat : Enseignant, titre du cours, nombre d'heures en √©quivalent TD, universit√©, pays

  • Licence : Loïc Hélouët, JAVA courses, 32 h eq TD, L1, INSA, France

  • Master : Loïc Hélouët, Algorithms courses to students at the aggregation level, 16 h eq TD, aggregation, ENS Cachan-Antenne de Bretagne, France

  • Master : Eric Fabre, Distributed Algorithms and Distributed Systems, 12h eq. TD, M2 Rech. Comp. Sc., Univ. Rennes 1, France

  • Master : Eric Fabre, Information Theory, 15h eq. TD, M1, ENS Cachan (Rennes), France

  • Licence : Claude Jard, Formal languages, Distributed Computing, 44 h eq TD, L1, ENS Cachan-antenne de Bretagne, France

  • Master : Claude Jard, Algorithms courses to students at the aggregation level, 16 eq TD, aggregation, ENS Cachan-antenne de Bretagne, France

  • Licence: François Schwarzentruber, Introduction to algorithms (ALGO1), 32h eq TD, L3, ENS Cachan-antenne de Bretagne, France

  • Master: François Schwarzentruber, Software design and verification (CVFP), 32h eq TD, M1, ENS Cachan-antenne de Bretagne, France

  • Licence and master: François Schwarzentruber, Seminars for students (SEMIN1, SEMIN2), 36h eq TD, L3, M1, ENS Cachan-antenne de Bretagne, France

  • Master: François Schwarzentruber, Complexity theory, 6h eq TD, agrégation, ENS Cachan-antenne de Bretagne, France

  • Master: François Schwarzentruber, Introduction to discrete mathematics. 9 eq TD, University of Rennes 1, France

  • Master: François Schwarzentruber, Practical sessions in algorithmics. 6 eq TD, agrégation, ENS Cachan-antenne de Bretagne, France


  • PhD : Ajay Kattepur, Flexible Quality of Service Management of Web Services Orchestrations, Université de Rennes 1, Nov. 8, 2012, Albert Benveniste, Claude Jard

  • PhD in progress : Rouwaida Abdallah, Synthèse à partir de scénarios, February 2010, Loïc Hélouët, Claude Jard

  • PhD in progress : Aurore Junier, Network calculus applied to network stability analysis, sept. 2010, C. Jard, A. Bouillard.

  • PhD in progress : Carole Hounkonou, A methodology for joint network and service self-diagnosis, Oct. 2009, Eric Fabre.

  • PhD in progress: Cyril Jegourel, statistical model checking for rare-event systems, Axel Legay.

  • PhD in progress : Bastien Maubert, Logical Foundations of Games with Imperfect Information, University of Rennes 1, 09/2010, Guillaume Aucher and Sophie Pinchinat (S4, Irisa)

  • PhD : Loig Jezequel, Distributed Optimal Planning in Large Distributed systems, ENS Cachan, Dec. 2012, Eric Fabre