Section: Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

National Initiatives

SACADEAU-APPEAU : Decision-aid to improve streamwater quality

Participants : Marie-Odile Cordier, Véronique Masson.

The Sacadeau project (Système d'Acquisition de Connaissances pour l'Aide à la Décision pour la qualité de l'EAU - Knowledge Acquisition System for Decision-Aid to Improve Streamwater Quality) was funded by Inra (French institute for agronomy research) from October 2002 to October 2005. The main partners were from Inra (Sas from Rennes and Bia from Toulouse) and from Irisa .

We were then involved in a new project, named Appeau and funded by anr/add , which started in February 2007 and ended in december 2011. The Appeau project aimed at studying which politics, for which agronomic systems, are best adapted to improve water management. It includes our previous partners as well as new ones, mainly from Inra (http://wwwagir.toulouse.inra.fr/agir ). A synthesis paper has been published in 2012 [5] .

ACASSYA : Supporting the agro ecological evolution of breeding systems in coastal watersheds

Participants : Marie-Odile Cordier, Véronique Masson, René Quiniou.

The Acassya project (ACcompagner l'évolution Agro-écologique deS SYstèmes d'élevage dans les bassins versants côtiers) is funded by ANR/ADD . It started at the beginning of 2009 and will end in june 2013. The main partners are our colleagues from Inra (Sas from Rennes. One of the objectives is to develop modeling tools supporting the management of ecosystems, and more precisely the agro ecological evolution of breeding systems in coastal watersheds. In this context, the challenge is to transform existing simulation tools (as Sacadeau or TNT2 into decision-aid tools, able to answer queries or scenarios about the future evolution of ecosystems. (http://www.rennes.inra.fr/umrsas/programmes/acassya_accompagner_l_evolution_agro_ecologique_des_systemes_d_elevage )

PayOTe-Network : characterizing agricultural landscapes via data mining

Participants : Thomas Guyet, René Quiniou.

The PayOTe project (Paysage Ou Territoire) was initialy funded by AIP INRA/Inria . It started at the end of 2010 and will end by the end of 2012.. The project is turning into a network mainly funded by INRA. This network still associates Inria Teams (Orpailleur and Dream) with INRA Team (UBIA, MIAJ and SAD-Paysage).

One of the objectives of the PayOTe network is to provide tools to generate “realistic” agricultural landscapes. This kind of generator are expected by expert to study the impact of the landscape on agro-ecological systems. The main approach of this network is to use data mining to automatically construct a neutral model of a landscape. Then, the model of a landscape may be used to generate new landscapes with same spatial properties.

In this context, the challenge is to develop spatio-temporal data mining algorithms to analyse the spatial organization of agricultural landscapes.