Section: Software

Bayesian Occupancy Filter

People involved: Kamel Mekhnacha, Tay Meng Keat Christopher, C. Laugier, M. Yguel, Pierre Bessière.

The BOF toolbox is a C++ library that implements the Bayesian Occupancy Filter. It is often used for modelling dynamic environments. It contains the relevant functions for performing bayesian filtering in grid spaces. The output from the BOF toolbox are the estimated probability distributions of each cell's occupancy and velocity. Some basic sensor models such as the laser scanner sensor model or Gaussian sensor model for gridded spaces are also included in the BOF toolbox. The sensor models and BOF mechanism in the BOF toolbox provides the necessary tools for modelling dynamic environments in most robotic applications. This toolbox is patented under two patents : “Procédé d'assistance à la conduite d'un véhicule et dispositif associé” n. 0552735 (9 september 2005) and “Procédé d'assistance à la conduite d'un véhicule et dispositif associé amélioré” n. 0552736 (9 september 2005) and commercialized by ProBayes.

  • Version: 1

  • Patent: 0552736 (2005), 0552735 (2005)

  • Programming language: C/C++