Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

European Initiatives

FP7 Projects

  • Hats (Highly Adaptable and Trustworthy Software using Formal Models) is an EU Integrated Project from FP7, started March 2009 and with a 4 year duration. Hats studies formal methods for obtaining high adaptability combined with trustworthiness in the setting of object-oriented languages and software product lines. Most Focus members are involved.

  • PLATFORM (Practical Light Types for Resource Consumption) is a Marie Curie IOF project from FP7, started July 2011 with a three-year span. It involves one Focus member (Gaboardi) in research work at University of Pennsylvania and in Bologna. Project aim is the development of a practical programming language with information, in the form of dependent types, about the resources needed by programs during their execution, and where type checking a program will naturally corresponds to exhibit a certification of its resource consumption.

Collaborations in European Programs, except FP7

  • The ICT COST Action BETTY (Behavioural Types for Reliable Large-Scale Software Systems), initiated in October 2012 and with a four-year duration, will use behavioural type theory as the basis for new foundations, programming languages, and software development methods for communication-intensive distributed systems. Behavioural type theory encompasses concepts such as interfaces, communication protocols, contracts, and choreography. Main persons involved: Bravetti, Giachino, Lanese, Laneve, Sangiorgi, Zavattaro.

  • The EIT activity "Intelligent Services for Digital Cities" in the context of the Digital Cities Action Line, has been approved, with funding to be spent in 2013. Main persons involved: Gabbrielli.

Collaborations with Major European Organizations

We list here the cooperations and contacts with other groups, without repeating those already listed in previous sections.

  • ENS Lyon (on concurrency models and resource control). Contact person(s) in Focus: Dal Lago, Gaboardi, Martini, Sangiorgi. Several visit exchanges during the year, in both directions. One joint PhD supervision (J.-M. Madiot).

  • Inria EPI Sardes (on models and languages for components, reversibility). Contact person(s) in Focus: Lanese, Sangiorgi. A number of visits in both directions. One joint PhD supervision (C. Mezzina).

  • Laboratoire d'Informatique, Université Paris Nord, Villetaneuse (on implicit computational complexity). Contact person(s) in Focus: Dal Lago, Gaboardi, Martini. An Italian PhD student (Marco Solieri) is working on his PhD thesis with joint supervision (Martini, Guerrini).

  • Institut de Mathématiques de Luminy, Marseille (on lambda-calculi, linear logic and semantics). Contact person(s) in Focus: Dal Lago, Martini. One joint PhD supervision (Michele Alberti).

  • Team PPS, University of Paris-Diderot Paris 7 (on logics for processes, resource control). Contact person(s) in Focus: Dal Lago, Gaboardi, Martini, Sangiorgi. Various short visits in both directions during the year.

  • IRILL Lab, Paris (on models for the representation of dependencies in distributed package based software distributions). Contact person(s) in Focus: Zavattaro. Various short visits in both directions during the year.

  • University of Innsbruck (on resource control and termination). Contact person(s) in Focus: Dal Lago. A few short visits during 2012.

  • Inria EPI Indes, (on orchestration and programming languages). A common meeting was organised in Bologna, January 2012, where 4 people from Indes and almost everybody from Focus participated.

  • EPI Carte, Inria-Nancy Grand Est and LORIA (on implicit computational complexity). Contact person(s) in Focus: Dal Lago,Gaboardi. A few short visits during 2012.

  • LMU Munich (M. Hofmann) (on Implicit computational complexity and IntML). Contact person(s) in Focus: Dal Lago.

  • IMDEA Software, Madrid (G. Barthe) (on Implicit computational complexity for cryptography). Contact person(s) in Focus: Dal Lago.

  • Facultad de Informatica, Universidad Complutense de Madrid (on web services). Contact person(s) in Focus: Bravetti. Bravetti is an external collaborator in the Spanish Ministry of Science and Education project TESIS (advanced methodologies and tools for TESting and web servIceS).