Section: Dissemination
Simone Martini has carried out extended work of scientific divulgation:
member of the technical committee of Olimpiadi del Problem Solving (at Italian Ministry of Education);
consultant of the Minister of Education on admission tests for high school professorship admission;
the talks “Quello che i calcolatori possono e non possono fare”, MassaScienza, Massa Carrara; Lingua universalis: Calcolo, informatica e linguaggio, workshop T4T, Turin; Alan Turing pioniere dell'era digitale, ScienzaGiovane, Bologna; Calcolo e simboli: la scienza digitale, Accademia delle Scienze di Bologna and Accademia di Agricoltura Scienze e Lettere di Verona;
the paper [21] .
Ugo Dal Lago and Simone Martini have given short presentations at “Scienzagiovane”, a forum of science popularisation in Bologna mainly targeting high-school students.