Section: Scientific Foundations
Algebraic algorithms for geometric computing
This topic is directly related to polynomial system solving and effective algebraic geometry. It is our core expertise and many of our works are contributing to this area.
Our goal is to develop algebraic algorithms to efficiently perform geometric operations such as computing the intersection or self-intersection locus of algebraic surface patches, offsets, envelopes of surfaces, ...
The underlying representations behind the geometric models we consider are often of algebraic type. Computing with such models raises algebraic questions, which frequently appear as bottlenecks of the geometric problems.
In order to compute the solutions of a system of polynomial equations in several variables, we analyse and take advantage of the structure of the quotient ring, defined by these polynomials. This raises questions of representing and computing normal forms in such quotient structures. The numerical and algebraic computations in this context lead us to study new approaches of normal form computations, generalizing the well-known Gröbner bases.
Geometric objects are often described in a parametric form. For performing efficiently on these objects, it can also be interesting to manipulate implicit representations. We consider particular projections techniques based on new resultant constructions or syzygies, which allow to transform parametric representations into implicit ones. These problems can be reformulated in terms of linear algebra. We investigate methods which exploit this matrix representation based on resultant constructions.
They involve structured matrices such as Hankel, Toeplitz, Bezoutian matrices or their generalization in several variables. We investigate algorithms that exploit their properties and their implications in solving polynomial equations.
We are also interested in the “effective” use of duality, that is, the properties of linear forms on the polynomials or quotient rings by ideals. We undertake a detailed study of these tools from an algorithmic perspective, which yields the answer to basic questions in algebraic geometry and brings a substantial improvement on the complexity of resolution of these problems.
We are also interested in subdivision methods, which are able to efficiently localise the real roots of polynomial equations. The specificities of these methods are local behavior, fast convergence properties and robustness. Key problems are related to the analysis of multiple points.
An important issue while developing these methods is to analyse their practical and algorithmic behavior. Our aim is to obtain good complexity bounds and practical efficiency by exploiting the structure of the problem.