Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

International Initiatives

Participation In International Programs

CNRS-NSFC collaboration with Hangzhou Dianzi University
  • Contact in China: Xu Gang, College of computer - Hangzhou Dianzi University.

  • Participants in France: André Galligo, Bernard Mourrain, R. Duvigneau, B. Nkonga.

  • Abstract: CAD/CAE technology plays an important role in advanced manufacture, and the seamless integration of CAD/CAE is a difficult and important problem. The current CAD/CAE workflow can be classified into three steps: Computer-aided design, finite element analysis (FEA) and shape optimization. From the above workflow in CAD/CAE, the main gap of the geometric data is from the analysis step. Isogeometric analysis (IGA) can be employed to overcome the gap between CAD and finite element analysis by using the same geometric representation based on NURBS for the design and analysis tasks. In this collaboration, we studied the following problems: (1) Parameterization of computational domain for IGA methods, in particular generation of volume parameterization from CAD surface models. (2) IGA on complicated geometry and topology.