Section: Application Domains

Scientific Computing

Meshes are the basic tools for scientific computing using finite element methods. Unstructured meshes are used to discretize domains bounded by complex shapes while allowing local refinements. Geometrica contributes to mesh generation of 2D and 3D possibly curved domains. Most of our methods are based upon Delaunay triangulations, Voronoi diagrams and their variants. Anisotropic meshes are also investigated. We investigate in parallel both greedy and variational mesh generation techniques. The greedy algorithms consist of inserting vertices in an initial coarse mesh using the Delaunay refinement paradigm, while the variational algorithms consists of minimizing an energy related to the shape and size of the elements. Our goal is to show the complementarity of these two paradigms. Quadrangle surface meshes are also of interest for reverse engineering and geometry processing applications. Our goal is to control the final edge alignment, the mesh sizing and the regularity of the quadrangle tiling.