Section: Dissemination

Participation to conferences, seminars, invitations

Invited Talks

  • Frédéric Chazal, “Topological Data Analysis using distance based functions”, 4th International Workshop on computational Topology in Image context, Bertinoro, Italy, february 2012.

  • Olivier Devillers, “EuroCG-2012”, Delaunay triangulation, theory vs practice, March 19th.

  • Pierre Alliez, “Robust Shape Reconstruction”, Dive with an Expert Seminar, Schlumberger Montpellier Technology Center, May 2012.

  • J-D. Boissonnat, “Aspects algorithmiques de la triangulation des variétés”, Colloque Mathématiques et Formation des Ingénieurs”, Coetquidan, Juin 2012.

  • Frédéric Chazal, “Topological Data Analysis using distance based functions”, Dynamics, Topology and Computations (DyToComp 2012 - satellite conference of 6th European Congress of Mathematics), Bedlewo Poland, June 2012.

  • Frédéric Chazal, “Detection and Approximation of Linear Structures in Metric Spaces” Workshop on Algorithms for Modern Massive Data Sets (MMDS 2012), Stanford USA, July 2012.

  • J-D. Boissonnat, “Delaunay-type structures for manifolds”, Workshop on Applied and Computational Topology (ATMCS), Edinburgh July 2012.

  • Pierre Alliez, “Advances in Architectural Geometry”, Paris, September.

  • Pierre Alliez, “MICCAI workshop on Mesh Processing in Medical Image Analysis”, Nice, October.

  • Pierre Alliez, “3DIMPVT: 3D Imaging, Modeling, Processing, Visualization and Transmission”, Zurich, October.

  • J-D. Boissonnat, “Provably good meshes”, Dive with an Expert Seminar, Schlumberger Montpellier Technology Center, October 2012.

  • Frédéric Chazal, “Persistence Stability for Geometric complexes” , Workshop on Algebraic Topology and Machine Learning, NIPS 2012, Lake Tahoe USA, December 2012.


Members of the project have presented their published articles at conferences. The reader can refer to the bibliography to obtain the corresponding list. We list below all other talks given in seminars, summer schools and other workshops.

  • Olivier Devillers, «Constructions incrémentielles randomisées», journées Présage, january 12-13.

  • Marc Glisse, «Complexité moyenne et Visibilité 3D», journées Présage, january 12-13.

  • Olivier Devillers, Olivier Devillers, «Delaunay triangulations, theory vs. practice», journées de géometrie algorithmique, april 2-6.

  • Clément Maria, “A Data Structure to Represent Simplicial Complexes“, journées de géométrie algorithmique, april 2-6.

  • Ross Hemsley, “Pivot Walk - A Faster Walking Strategy for Point Location” , journées de géométrie algorithmique, april 2-6.

  • Ramsay Dyer, “Stability of Delaunay-type structures for manifolds”, journées de géométrie algorithmique, april 2-6.

  • Frédéric Chazal, “Geometric Inference using distance-like functions”, Minisymposium on Computational Geometric Learning, Exploring geometric structures in high dimensions, CG:APT, SoCG 2012.

  • Frédéric Chazal, “Persistence Stability for Geometric complexes”, Workshop on Topological data analysis and machine learning theory, Banff Canada, October 2012.

  • Olivier Devillers, «Hypergraphes de régions vides I : point de vue de la géométrie algorithmique», journées Présage, october 18-19.

  • Marc Glisse, «Complexité moyenne en visibilité, sans les logs», journées Présage, october 18-19.

  • Frédéric Chazal, “Detection and Approximation of Linear Structures in Metric Spaces”, SMAI-SIGMA Conference 2012, CIRM Luminy France, November 2012.

  • Ramsay Dyer, “Stability of Delaunay-type structures for manifolds”, SMAI-SIGMA Conference 2012, CIRM

  • Clément Maria, “A space and time efficient implementation for computing persistent homology”, Computational Geometric Learning Workshop, Berlin, december 2012.

  • Pierre Alliez, “The CGAL Library and Mesh Generation”, Graduate school of the EUROGRAPHICS Symposium on Geometry Processing, July 2012.

The Geometrica seminar


The Geometrica seminar featured presentations from the following visiting scientists:

  • Xianhai Meng (Beihang University, China): Mesh Generation and 3D Geological Modeling.

  • Thijs van Lankveld (University of Utrecht). Reconstructing urban geometry per surface from point samples. March 19.

  • Vincent Vidal (LIRIS, Lyon, France). Modèles graphiques pour segmenter et remailler les maillages surfaciques triangulaires. April 11.

  • Mark Blome (Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum für Informationstechnik, Berlin). Modeling of complex 3D nano-photonic devices using Computer Aided Design techniques. July 3.

  • Benjamin Burton (University of Queensland, Australia). Unknot recognition and the elusive polynomial time algorithm. October 3.

Scientific visits

  • Clément Maria visited Pr. Coutsias (University of New Mexico) for one week in september and Pr. Dey (Ohio State University) for one week.

  • Pierre Alliez, RWTH Aachen, October 10-12.

  • Olivier Devillers, EPI rap , November 19-21.

  • Ross Hemsley, EPI rap , November 19-21.

  • Florent Lafarge, University of Auckland, December 17- January 11.