Section: Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry
Bilateral Contracts with Industry
Geometry Factory
The initial development phase of the cgal library has been made by a European consortium. In order to achieve the transfer and diffusion of cgal in the industry, a company called Geometry Factory has been founded in January 2003 by Andreas Fabri ( ).
The goal of this company is to pursue the development of the library and to offer services in connection with cgal (maintenance, support, teaching, advice). Geometry Factory is a link between the researchers from the computational geometry community and the industrial users.
It offers licenses to interested companies, and provides support. There are contracts in various domains such as CAD/CAM, medical applications, GIS, computer vision...
Geometry Factory is keeping close contacts with the original consortium members, and in particular with Geometrica .
In 2012, Geometry Factory had the following new customers for cgal packages developed by Geometrica : Archivideo (GIS, 2D Constrained Delaunay), Gamesim (games, 2D Constrained Delaunay), Medicm (medical imaging, 2D Constrained Delaunay, BE), Tecosim(CAD/CAM, 3D Delaunay, Germany). Midland Valley (Surface mesher, UK)
Moreover, research licenses (in-house research usage for all of cgal ) have been purchased by: ROI Bologna (medical imaging, Italy), Technicolor (France), U Southampton (medical imaging, UK), ZIB (medical imaging, Germany).
Participants : Pierre Alliez, Florent Lafarge, Sven Oesau.
The main goal of this collaboration is to develop indoor models more accurate, meaningful and complete than existing methods. The conventional way for modeling indoor scenes is based on plane arrangements. This type of representation is particularly limited and must be improved by developing more complex geometric entities adapted to a detailed and semantized description of scenes.
- Starting date: April 2012
- Duration: 3 years