Section: Scientific Foundations

High performance solvers for large linear algebra problems

Participants : Emmanuel Agullo, Olivier Coulaud, Iain Duff, Luc Giraud, Abdou Guermouche, Andra Hugo, Yan-Fei Jing, Jean Roman, Pablo Salas Medina, Stojce Nakov, Xavier Vasseur, Mawussi Zounon.

Starting with the developments of basic linear algebra kernels tuned for various classes of computers, a significant knowledge on the basic concepts for implementations on high-performance scientific computers has been accumulated. Further knowledge has been acquired through the design of more sophisticated linear algebra algorithms fully exploiting those basic intensive computational kernels. In that context, we still look at the development of new computing platforms and their associated programming tools. This enables us to identify the possible bottlenecks of new computer architectures (memory path, various level of caches, inter processor or node network) and to propose ways to overcome them in algorithmic design. With the goal of designing efficient scalable linear algebra solvers for large scale applications, various tracks will be followed in order to investigate different complementary approaches. Sparse direct solvers have been for years the methods of choice for solving linear systems of equations, it is nowadays admitted that such approaches are not scalable neither from a computational complexity nor from a memory view point for large problems such as those arising from the discretization of large 3D PDE problems. Although we will not contribute directly to this activity, we will use parallel sparse direct solvers as building boxes for the design of some of our parallel algorithms such as the hybrid solvers described in the sequel of this section. Our activities in that context will mainly address preconditioned Krylov subspace methods; both components, preconditioner and Krylov solvers, will be investigated.

Hybrid direct/iterative solvers based on algebraic domain decomposition techniques

One route to the parallel scalable solution of large sparse linear systems in parallel scientific computing is the use of hybrid methods that combine direct and iterative methods. These techniques inherit the advantages of each approach, namely the limited amount of memory and natural parallelization for the iterative component and the numerical robustness of the direct part. The general underlying ideas are not new since they have been intensively used to design domain decomposition techniques; those approaches cover a fairly large range of computing techniques for the numerical solution of partial differential equations (PDEs) in time and space. Generally speaking, it refers to the splitting of the computational domain into sub-domains with or without overlap. The splitting strategy is generally governed by various constraints/objectives but the main one is to express parallelism. The numerical properties of the PDEs to be solved are usually intensively exploited at the continuous or discrete levels to design the numerical algorithms so that the resulting specialized technique will only work for the class of linear systems associated with the targeted PDE.

In that context, we attempt to apply to general unstructured linear systems domain decomposition ideas. More precisely, we will consider numerical techniques based on a non-overlapping decomposition of the graph associated with the sparse matrices. The vertex separator, built by a graph partitioner, will define the interface variables that will be solved iteratively using a Schur complement techniques, while the variables associated with the internal sub-graphs will be handled by a sparse direct solver. Although the Schur complement system is usually more tractable than the original problem by an iterative technique, preconditioning treatment is still required. For that purpose, the algebraic additive Schwarz technique initially developed for the solution of linear systems arising from the discretization of elliptic and parabolic PDE's will be extended. Linear systems where the associated matrices are symmetric in pattern will be first studied but extension to unsymmetric matrices will be latter considered. The main focus will be on difficult problems (including non-symmetric and indefinite ones) where it is harder to prevent growth in the number of iterations with the number of subdomains when considering massively parallel platforms. In that respect, we will consider algorithms that exploit several sources and grains of parallelism to achieve high computational throughput. This activity may involve collaborations with developers of sparse direct solvers as well as with developers of run-time systems and will lead to the development to the library MaPHyS (see Section 5.2 ). Some specific aspects, such as mixed MPI-thread implementation for the computer science aspects and techniques for indefinite system for the numerical aspects will be investigated in the framework of a France Berkeley Fund project granted that started last year.

Linear Krylov solvers

Preconditioning is the main focus of the two activities described above. They aim at speeding up the convergence of a Krylov subspace method that is the complementary component involved in the solvers of interest for us. In that framework, we believe that various aspects deserve to be investigated; we will consider the following ones:

Preconditioned block Krylov solvers for multiple right-hand sides. In many large scientific and industrial applications, one has to solve a sequence of linear systems with several right-hand sides given simultaneously or in sequence (radar cross section calculation in electromagnetism, various source locations in seismic, parametric studies in general, ...). For “simultaneous" right-hand sides, the solvers of choice have been for years based on matrix factorizations as the factorization is performed once and simple and cheap block forward/backward substitutions are then performed. In order to effectively propose alternative to such solvers, we need to have efficient preconditioned Krylov subspace solvers. In that framework, block Krylov approaches, where the Krylov spaces associated with each right-hand sides are shared to enlarge the search space will be considered. They are not only attractive because of this numerical feature (larger search space), but also from an implementation point of view. Their block-structures exhibit nice features with respect to data locality and re-usability that comply with the memory constraint of multicore architectures. For right-hand sides available one after each other, various strategies that exploit the information available in the sequence of Krylov spaces (e.g. spectral information) will be considered that include for instance technique to perform incremental update of the preconditioner or to built augmented Krylov subspaces. In that context, Yan-Fei Jing, who joint HiePACS as post-doc, is investigating how reliable block Arnoldi procedure can be combined with deflated restarted block GMRES technique.

Flexible Krylov subspace methods with recycling techniques. In many situations, it has been observed that significant convergence improvements can be achieved in preconditioned Krylov subspace methods by enriching them with some spectral information. On the other hand effective preconditioning strategies are often designed where the preconditioner varies from one step to the next (e.g. in domain decomposition methods, when approximate solvers are considered for the interior problems, or more generally for block preconditioning technique where approximate block solution are used) so that a flexible Krylov solver is required. In that context, we intend to investigate how numerical techniques implementing subspace recycling and/or incremental preconditioning can be extended and adapted to cope with this situation of flexible preconditioning; that is, how can we numerically benefit from the preconditioning implementation flexibility.

Krylov solver for complex symmetric non-Hermitian matrices. In material physics when the absorption spectrum of a molecule due to an exterior field is computed, we have to solve for each frequency a dense linear system where the matrix depends on the frequency. The sequence of matrices are complex symmetric non-Hermitian. While a direct approach can be used for small molecules, a Krylov subspace solver must be considered for larger molecules. Typically, Lanczos-type methods are used to solve these systems but the convergence is often slow. Based on our earlier experience on preconditioning techniques for dense complex symmetric non-Hermitian linear system in electromagnetism, we are interested in designing new preconditioners for this class of material physics applications. A first track will consist in building preconditioners on sparsified approximation of the matrix as well as computing incremental updates, eg. Sherman-Morrison type, of the preconditioner when the frequency varies. This action will be developed in the framework of the research activity described in Section  4.2 .

Approximate factoring of the inverse. When the matrix of a given sparse linear system of equations is known to be nonsingular, the computation of approximate factors for the inverse constitutes an algebraic approach to preconditioning. The main aim is to combine standard preconditioning ideas with sparse approximate inverse approximation to have implicitly dense approximate inverse approximations. Theory has been developed and encouraging numerical experiments have been obtained on a set of sparse matrices of small to medium size. We plan to propose a parallel implementation of the construction of the preconditioner and to investigate its efficiency on real-life problems. Extension of this technique to build a sparse approximation of the Schur complement for algebraic domain decomposition has also been investigated and could be integrated in the MaPHyS package in the future.

Extension or modification of Krylov subspace algorithms for multicore architectures. Finally to match as much as possible to the computer architecture evolution and get as much as possible performance out of the computer, a particular attention will be paid to adapt, extend or develop numerical schemes that comply with the efficiency constraints associated with the available computers. Nowadays, multicore architectures seem to become widely used, where memory latency and bandwidth are the main bottlenecks; investigations on communication avoiding techniques will be undertaken in the framework of preconditioned Krylov subspace solvers as a general guideline for all the items mentioned above.

Eigensolvers. Many eigensolvers also rely on Krylov subspace techniques. Naturally some links exist between the Krylov subspace linear solvers and the Krylov subspace eigensolvers. We plan to study the computation of eigenvalue problems with respect to the following three different axes:

  • Exploiting the link between Krylov subspace methods for linear system solution and eigensolvers, we intend to develop advanced iterative linear methods based on Krylov subspace methods that use some spectral information to build part of a subspace to be recycled, either though space augmentation or through preconditioner update. This spectral information may correspond to a certain part of the spectrum of the original large matrix or to some approximations of the eigenvalues obtained by solving a reduced eigenproblem. This technique will also be investigated in the framework of block Krylov subspace methods.

  • In the framework of an FP7 Marie project (MyPlanet), we intend to study parallel robust nonlinear quadratic eigensolvers. It is a crucial question in numerous technologies like the stability and vibration analysis in classical structural mechanics. The first research action consists in enhancing the robustness of the linear eigensolver and to consider shift invert technique to tackle difficult problems out of reach with the current technique. One of the main constraint in that framework is to design matrix-free technique to limit the memory consumption of the complete solver. For the nonlinear part different approaches ranging from simple nonlinear stationary iterations to Newton's type approaches will be considered.

  • In the context of the calculation of the ground state of an atomistic system, eigenvalue computation is a critical step; more accurate and more efficient parallel and scalable eigensolvers are required (see Section  4.2 ).