Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


In the following are listed the lectures given by the HiePACS members.

  • Undergraduate level

    1. A. Esnard: Operating system programming, 36h, University Bordeaux I; Using network, 23h, University Bordeaux I.

    2. A. Esnard: in charge of the computer science certificate for Internet (C2i) at the University Bordeaux I.

  • Post graduate level

    1. O. Coulaud: Paradigms for parallel computing, 28h, ENSEIRB-MatMeca, Talence; Code coupling, 6h, ENSEIRB-MatMeca, Talence.

    2. A. Esnard: Network management, 27h, University Bordeaux I; Programming distributed applications, 60h, ENSEIRB-MatMeca, Talence.

    3. L. Giraud: Introduction to intensive computing and related programming tools, 20h, INSA Toulouse; Introduction to high performance computing and applications, 20h, ISAE-ENSICA; On mathematical tools for numerical simulations, 10h, ENSEEIHT Toulouse; Parallel sparse linear algebra, 11h, ENSEIRB-MatMeca, Talence.

    4. A. Guermouche: Network management, 92h, University Bordeaux I; Network security, 64h, University Bordeaux I; Operating system, 24h, University Bordeaux I.

    5. J. Roman: Parallel sparse linear algebra, 10h, ENSEIRB-MatMeca, Talence; Parallel algorithms, 22h, ENSEIRB-MatMeca, Talence.

    6. X. Vasseur: Solution of PDE, 16 h, ENSEEIHT Toulouse; Linear Algebra and Optimization, 25 h, ISEA-ENSICA, Toulouse; Introduction to MPI, 11 h, ENM, Toulouse; Introduction to Fortran 90, 5 h, CERFACS, Toulouse.


  • Defended PhD thesis

    1. Jérôme Soumagne, “An In-situ Visualization Approach for Parallel Coupling and Steering of HPC Applications using Files in Distributed Shared Memory", Université Bordeaux I, defended on 14 Dec. 2012, advisors: J. Bidiscombe (CSCS), A. Esnard and J. Roman.

  • PhD in progress :

    1. Rached Abdelkhalek, “Modélisation et imagerie sismique sur accélérateurs matériels" , starting Jan. 2008, advisors: O. Coulaud, G. Latu (CEA) and J. Roman.

    2. Yohann Dudouit, “Scalable parallel elastodynamic solver with local refinment in geophysics", starting Oct. 2010, advisors: L. Giraud and S. Pernet (CERFACS).

    3. Arnaud Etcheverry, “Toward large scale dynamic dislocation simulation on petaflop computers", starting Oct. 2011, advisors: O. Coulaud and J. Roman.

    4. Andra Hugo “Composabilité de codes parallèles sur plateformes hétérogènes", starting Oct. 2011, advisors: A. Guermouche, R. Namyst and P-A. Wacrenier.

    5. Alexis Praga, “Parallel atmospheric chemistry and transport model solver for massivelly platforms", starting Oct. 2011, advisors: D. Cariolle (CERFACS) and L. Giraud.

    6. Stojce Nakov, “Parallel hybrid solver for heterogenous manycores: application to geophysics", starting Oct. 2011, advisors: E. Agullo and J. Roman.

    7. Fabien Rozar, “Peta and exaflop algorithms for turbulence simulations of fusion plasmas", starting Nov. 2012, advisors: Guillaume Latu (CEA) and Jean Roman.

    8. Pablo Salas Medina, “Parallel eigensolvers for large scale combustion chamber simulations", starting June 2010, advisors: L. Giraud and X. Vasseur (CERFACS).

    9. Moustapha Salli, “Design of a massively parallel version of the SN method for neutronic simulations", starting Oct. 2012, advisors: Laurent Plagne (EDF), Pierre Ramet and Jean Roman.

    10. Clément Vuchener, “Algorithmique de l'équilibrage de charges pour des couplages de codes complexes", starting Sept. 2010, advisors: A. Esnard and J. Roman.

    11. Mawussi Zounon, “Numerical resilient algorithms for exascale", starting Oct. 2011, advisors: E. Agullo and L. Giraud.


  • PhD thesis defences

    1. J. Charles, Amélioration des performances de méthodes Galerkin discintinues d’ordre élevé pour la résolution numérique des équations de Maxwell instationnaires sur des maillages simplexes, Université de Nice-Sophia Antipolis, spécialité Mathématiques, April 26, Referee: L. Giraud.

    2. S. Duminil, Extrapolation vectorielle et applications aux équations aux dérivées partielles, Université du Littoral Côte d’Opale, spécialité Mathématiques Appliquées, July 6, Referee: L. Giraud.

    3. S. Detournay, Multigrid methods for zero-sum two player stochastic games, Ecole Polytechnique and Inria, September 25th, Member: X. Vasseur.

    4. C. Obrecht, High Performance Lattice Boltzmann Solvers on Massively Parallel Architectures with Applications to Building Aeraulics, INSA de Lyon, spécialité Mécanique - Energétique - Génie Civil - Acoustique, December 11, Referee: J. Roman.

    5. S. Jauré, Methodology for conjugate heat transfer simulations relying on Large Eddy Simulations in massively parallel environments, Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse, spécialité Dynamique des Fluides, December 14, Member: L. Giraud.

  • HdR defences

    1. N. Raveu, Contribution à la modélisation de dispositifs hyperfréquences par méthode modale, Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse, spécialité Electronique, November 29, Member: L. Giraud.