Section: New Results
Algorithms and high-performance solvers
Dense linear algebra solvers for multicore processors accelerated with multiple GPUs
In collaboration with the Inria RUNTIME team and the University of Tennessee, we have designed dense linear algebra solvers that can fully exploit a node composed of a multicore processor accelerated with multiple GPUs. This work has been integrated in the latest release of the MAGMA package ( ). We have used the StarPU runtime system to ensure the portability of our algorithms and codes. We have also investigated the case of partial pivoting LU factorization. The pivot selection induces a large number of low granularity tasks which are a potential bottleneck when handled with a runtime system; we have thus designed methods which aim at limiting the number of tasks.
Task-based Conjugate-Gradient for multi-GPUs platforms
Whereas most today parallel High Performance Computing (HPC) software
is written as highly tuned code taking care of low-level details, the
advent of the manycore area forces the community to consider modular
programming paradigms and delegate part of the work to a third party
software. That latter approach has been shown to be very productive
and efficient with regular algorithms, such as dense linear algebra
solvers. In this paper we show that such a model can be efficiently
applied to a much more irregular and less compute intensive
algorithm. We illustrate our discussion with the standard
unpreconditioned Conjugate Gradient (CG) that we carefully express as a
task-based algorithm. We use the StarPU runtime system to assess the
efficiency of the approach on a computational platform consisting of
three NVIDIA Fermi GPUs. We show that almost optimum speed up (up to
Resilience in numerical simulations
Various interpolations strategies to handle restarting Krylov subspace methods in case of core faults have been investigated. The underlying idea is to recover fault entries of the iterate via interpolation from existing values available on neighbor cores. In particular, we design a scheme that enables to preserve the key property of GMRES that is the residual norm monotonicity of the iterates even when failures occur. This work is developed in the framework of Mawussi Zounon's PhD funded by the ANR-RESCUE. Notice that theses activities are also part of our contribution to the G8-ECS (Enabling Climate Simulation at extreme scale).
Block GMRES method with inexact breakdowns and deflated restarting
We have considered the solution of large linear systems with multiple right-hand sides using a block GMRES approach. We designed a new algorithm that effectively handles the situation of almost rank deficient block generated by the block Arnoldi procedure and that enables the recycling of spectral information at restart. The first feature is inherited from an algorithm introduced by Robbé and Sadkane [M. Robbé and M. Sadkane. Exact and inexact breakdowns in the block gmres method. Linear Algebra and its Applications, 419: 265-285, 2006.], while the second one is obtained by extending the deflated restarting strategy proposed by Morgan [R. B. Morgan. Restarted block GMRES with deflation of eigenvalues. Applied Numerical Mathematics, 54(2): 222-236, 2005.]. Through numerical experiments, we have shown that the new algorithm combines the attractive numerical features of its two parents that it outperforms. This work was developed in the framework of the post-doc position of Yan-Fei Jing.
Scalable numerical schemes for scientific applications
For the solution of the elastodynamic equation on meshes with local refinments, we are currently collaborating with Total to design a parallel implementation of a local time refinement technique on top of a discontinuous Galerkin space discretization. This latter technique enables to manage non-conforming meshes suited to deal with multiblock approaches that capture the locally refined regions. this work is developed in the framework of Yohann Dudouit PhD thesis. Perfectly Matched Layers has been designed to cope with the designed numerical scheme and a software prototype for 2D simulation has been implemented.
The calculation of acoustic modes in combustion chambers is a challenging calculation for large 3D geometries. It requires the parallel calculation of a few of the smallest eigenpairs of large unsymmetric matrices in a nonlinear iterative scheme. Various numerical techniques have been considered to attempt recycling spectral information from one nonlinear step to the next that includes Jacobi-Davidson, Krylov-Schur and block Krylov-Schur algorithms. This is part of the PhD research activity of Pablo Salas.
Fast Multipole Methods
Concerning the Fast Multipole Method, our prototype called ScalFMM was completely rewritten in order to easily add new features. There is two main parts: the management of the octree and the parallelization of the method and kernels. This new architecture allow us to easily add new FMM algorithm or kernels and new paradigm of parallelization. The limitation of the classical FMM was that we need all operators (P2M, M2M, M2L, L2L, L2P) on the multipole expansions if we want to add a new kernel. To overcome this and in the context of associated team FastLA, we introduced the black-box FMM algorithm that allow us to be now kernel independent.
Optimizations for the M2L operator of the Chebyshev Fast Multipole Method
Most Fast Multipole Methods (FMM) have been developed and optimized for specific kernel functions. Our goal is to improve the efficiency of an FMM that is kernel function independent. The formulation is based on a Chebyshev interpolation scheme and has been studied for asymptotically smooth kernel functions G(x,y) and also for oscillatory ones, such as K(x,y) = G(x,y) exp(ik|x-y|). Two weak points of this formulation are the expensive precomputation of the M2L operators and the higher computational intensity compared to other FMMs. We focused our recent research on these issues. We have come up with a set of optimizations that exploit symmetries far-field interactions and blocking schemes that pave the road for highly optimized matrix-matrix product implementations. Recall, the scope of the FMM as an algorithm to perform fast matrix-vector products (Ax = y) may be twofold: on one hand the result (y) and on the other hand the solution (x). A fast precomputation is crucial in the first and fast running times in the second case. We proposed optimizations that provide more than 1000 times faster precomputation, much less memory requirement and much faster running times than before. All these results are submitted in Journal of computational Physics [27] .
Pipelining the Chebyshev Fast Multipole Method over a runtime system
Fast Multipole Method are a fundamental operation for the simulation of many physical problems. The high performance design of such methods usually requires to carefully tune the algorithm for both the targeted physics and the hardware. For the Chebyshev Fast Multipole Method (black-box FMM) we have proposed a new approach that achieves high performance across heterogeneous architectures. Our method consists of expressing the Fast Multipole Method algorithm as a task flow and employing a state-of-the-art runtime system, StarPU, in order to process the tasks on the different processing units. We carefully design the task flow, the mathematical operators, their Central Processing Unit (CPU) and Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) implementations, as well as scheduling schemes. We compute potentials and forces of 200 million particles in 48.7 seconds on a homogeneous 160 cores SGI Altix UV 100 and of 30 million particles in 10.9 seconds on a heterogeneous 12 cores Intel Nehalem processor enhanced with 3 Nvidia M2090 Fermi GPUs. All these results are available in [24] .