Section: Partnerships and Cooperations
International Initiatives
Inria Associate Teams
Title: Fast and Scalable Hierarchical Algorithms for Computational Linear Algebra
International Partners (Institution - Laboratory - Researcher):
See also: .
In this project, we propose to study fast and scalable hierarchical numerical kernels and their implementations on heterogeneous manycore platforms for two major computational kernels in intensive challenging applications. Namely, fast multipole methods (FMM) and sparse hybrid linear solvers, that appear in many intensive numerical simulations in computational sciences. Regarding the FMM we plan to study novel generic formulations based on H-matrices techniques, that will be eventually validated in the field of material physics: the dislocation dynamics. For the hybrid solvers, new parallel preconditioning approaches will be designed and the use of H-matrices techniques will be first investigated in the framework of fast and monitored approximations on central components. Finally, the innovative algorithmic design will be essentially focused on heterogeneous manycore platforms. The partners, Inria HiePACS, Lawrence Berkeley Nat. Lab and Stanford University, have strong, complementary and recognized experiences and backgrounds in these fields.
See also: .
The goal of Matrices Over Runtime Systems at Exascale (MORSE) project is to design dense and sparse linear algebra methods that achieve the fastest possible time to an accurate solution on large-scale multicore systems with GPU accelerators, using all the processing power that future high end systems can make available. To develop software that will perform well on petascale and exascale systems with thousands of nodes and millions of cores, several daunting challenges have to be overcome, both by the numerical linear algebra and the runtime system communities. By designing a research framework for describing linear algebra algorithms at a high level of abstraction, the MORSE team will enable the strong collaboration between research groups in linear algebra and runtime systems needed to develop methods and libraries that fully benefit from the potential of future large-scale machines. Our project will take a pioneering step in the effort to bridge the immense software gap that has opened up in front of the High-Performance Computing (HPC) community.
Participation In International Programs
ECS : Enabling Climate Simulation at extreme scale
Participants : Emmanuel Agullo, Luc Giraud, Abdou Guermouche, Jean Roman, Mawussi Zounon.
Grant: G8
Dates: 2011 – 2014
Partners: Univ. Illinois at Urbanna Champaign, Inria, Univ. Tennessee at Knoxville, German Research School for Simulation Sciences, Univ. Victoria, Titech, Univ. Tsukuba, NCAR, Barcelona Supercomputing Center.
Overview: Exascale systems will allow unprecedented reduction of the uncertainties in climate change predictions via ultra-high resolution models, fewer simplifying assumptions, large climate ensembles and simulation at a scale needed to predict local effects. This is essential given the cost and consequences of inaction or wrong actions about climate change. To achieve this, we need careful co-design of future exascale systems and climate codes, to handle lower reliability, increased heterogeneity, and increased importance of locality. Our effort will initiate an international collaboration of climate and computer scientists that will identify the main roadblocks and analyze and test initial solutions for the execution of climate codes at extreme scale. This work will provide guidance to the future evolution of climate codes. We will pursue research projects to handle known roadblocks on resilience, scalability, and use of accelerators and organize international, interdisciplinary workshops to gather and disseminate information. The global nature of the climate challenge and the magnitude of the task strongly favor an international collaboration. The consortium gathers senior and early career researchers from USA, France, Germany, Spain, Japan and Canada and involves teams working on four major climate codes (CESM1, EC-EARTH, ECSM, NICAM).