Section: New Results

Multi-Sink Wireless Sensor deployment and energy analysis

Participants : Paul Mühlethaler, Nadjib Achir.

We propose a general framework for multi-sink Wireless Sensors networks (WNSs). This framework is devoted to computing the optimal deployment of sinks for a given maximum number of hops between nodes and sinks. This framework allows an estimation of the energy consumption to be computed. We consider the energy consumed due to reporting, forwarding and overhearing. In contrast to reporting and forwarding, the energy used in overhearing is difficult to estimate because it is dependent on the packet scheduling. We determine the upper-bound and lower-bound of overhearing. We also propose another estimation which can simulate non interfering parallel transmissions which is more tractable in large networks. We note that overhearing largely predominates in energy consumption. A large part of the optimizations and computations carried out in this paper are obtained using ILP formalization.