Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

Regional Initiatives

BQR Intuactive 06/2011-12/2012

Participants : Rémi Brouet, Marie-Paule Cani, Jean-Claude Léon.

The Intuactive project is a collaboration between our research group, the conception group of G-scop lab, and the HCI group of LIG lab. The goial is to develop and compare 2D vs 3D interaction for selecting, placing and editing 3D shapes. The project is funded by Grenoble-INP and provides the grant for Rémi Brouet’s PhD.

BQR INP IDEAL (04/2009 - 03/2012)

Participant : Jean-Claude Léon.

3D models, coming for instance from engineering fields, are often `idealized', or `simplified' (topologically speaking), in order to be used for simulation. The goal of this project IDEAL, funded by Grenoble-INP, is to study these models, in particular the most general ones which are called `non-manifolds' and which are not handled by current software. We collaborate in this project with the University of Genova in Italy (Leila De Floriani).

BQR INP "Modèles multirésolutions de fissures" (04/2009 - 09/2012)

Participants : Marie Durand, François Faure.

A project on the simulation of fracture propagation in concrete structures has started, funded by INP Grenoble. The puropose is to develop a mixed, dynamic model of structures, using finite elements everywhere excepted near crak fronts, where a discrete model is applied. This goes beyond the ANR Vulcain project because we want to dynamically switch between finite element and discrete models. Bui Huu Phoc has started a Ph.D. in October, co-tutored by Frederic Dufour and Vincent Richefeu, from the L3S-R CNRS laboratory, and François Faure from EVASION.

LIMA 2 "Loisirs et Images" (2007 - 2013)

Participants : Marie-Paule Cani, François Faure, Damien Rohmer.

LIMA 2 (Loisirs et Images) is a Rhône-Alpes project in the ISLE cluster (Informatique, Signal, Logiciel Embarqué) focussed on classification and computer graphics. This project founded the PhD for Lucian Stanculescu with Raphaelle Chaine (LIRIS) and Marie-Paule Cani. A research seminar is planed in January 2013 in Lyon. Thibaut Weise from EPFL will be invited as an international speaker.

Scenoptique (12/2012 - 03/2014)

Participant : Rémi Ronfard.

In October 2011, we started a collaboration with Theatre des Celestins in Lyon on the topic of interactive editing of rehearsals. This research program is funded by the Region Rhone Alpes as part of their CIBLE project, with a budget for a doctoral thesis (Vineet Gandhi) and three large sensor video cameras. Theatre des Celestins is interested in novel tools for capturing, editing and browsing video recordings of their rehearsals, with applications in reviewing and simulating staging decisions. We are interested in building such tools as a direct application and test of our computational model of film editing, and also for building the world's first publicly available video resource on the creative process of theatre rehearsal. Using state-of-the-art video analysis methods, this corpus is expected to be useful in our future work on procedural animation of virtual actors and narrative design. The corpus is also expected to be shared with the LEAR team as a test bed for video-based action recognition.


Participant : Rémi Ronfard.

We received a doctoral grant from LABEX PERSYVAL, as part of the research program on authoring augmented reality (AAR) for PhD student Adela Barbelescu. Her thesis is entitled directing virtual actors by imitation and mutual interaction - technological and cognitive challenges. Her advisors are Rémi Ronfard and Gérard Bailly (GIPSA-LAB).