Section: Software
Participants : Marie-Paule Cani, Amaury Jung, Galel Koraa, Maxime Quiblier, Cédric Zanni.
Convol is a new C++ library we develop for easing our work on implicit surfaces – and more particularly on the sub-class of convolution surfaces. It enables us to make our latest research results soon available to the rest of the group and easily usable in our industrial partnerships. Convol incorporates all the necessary material for constructive implicit modeling: skeleton-based distance and convolution primitives, with closed form solution for the field values and gradient whenever possible; a variety of blending operators; and several methods for tessellating an implicit surface into a mesh, and for refining the later in highly curved regions. The creation of new geometry can be performed by direct manipulation of skeleton or through sketch based modeling.
This development is funded by Inria as support to our research group.