Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

Regional Initiatives

DigiPods (2012-2015) – The Distant Collaborative Interaction Between Heterogeneous Visualization Platforms project is funded by the “Équipement mi-lourd SESAME 2012” program of the Région Île-de-France. 6 academic partners: FCS Paris-Saclay (coordinator), Université Paris-Sud, Inria, CNRS, CEA, Institut Telecom ParisTech with an overall budget of 1.9 Meuros, including 850 keuros public funding from Région Île-de-France. Stéphane Huot: coordinator and principal investigator for the whole project. The goal is to equipe Digiscope platforms (see below) with high-end input and interaction devices/systems. These interaction facilities should be: (i) specific to each kind of platform (e.g., haptic devices for immersive rooms, multitouch devices for high-resolution visualization walls); or (ii) generic for all platforms, in order to allow collaboration between heterogeneous platforms. The latter will be the more innovative, providing users with a personal and configurable interaction space, similar on every platform of the project. Designed for studying distant collaborative interaction, these systems will also serve as a testbed for exploring and addressing the challenges of configurability and adaptability for the end-user.