Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

International Initiatives

BayScope – Prof. Bjorn Hartman (Berkeley), Michel Beaudouin-Lafon and Wendy Mackay submitted a successful NSF CNIC grant “Architectures and Interaction Paradigms for Multi-surface Environments” to support travel between France and Berkeley in conjunction with the BayScope project, the goal of which is to link our work on DigiScope within France to our partners in the SIRIUS Equipe Associé, in California, specifically at Berkeley and at U.C. San Diego.

Inria Associate Teams

SIRIUS – INSITU has an Equipe Associée called SIRIUS: Situated Interaction Research at Inria, UCSD and Stanford with U.C. San Diego and Stanford University. The creation of Inria Silicon Valley, and the move of Prof. Bjoern Hartmann to Berkeley, has meant that we've included Berkeley in the research group. The primary area of collaboration has been in the context of our DigiScope project and interaction with wall-sized displays, which led to the creation of BayScope at Berkeley and collabortions on the 75-screen wall at UCSD. We have also collaborated on design process and interactive paper with Stanford.

The SIRIUS Associate Team includes INSITU, (head: W. Mackay), the HCI group at Stanford, (head: Prof. Scott Klemmer), and the DCOG-HCI group at UCSD (head: Prof. Jim Hollan). Arvind Satyanarayan completed his undergraduate degree at UCSD and started a Ph.D. at Stanford in the fall of 2011, with three visits to INSITU in 2012 to work on the Multimedia Interactive Schedule project for CHI'13. Bjorn Hartman completed his Ph.D. at Stanford and joined the UC Berkeley faculty in 2011, and is continuing to collaborate on the HydraScope project. Lora Oehlberg completed her Ph.D. at Berkeley in October, 2011 and began an Inria-Silicon Valley post-doc at INSITU. Daniel Strazzula completed his Masters at Stanford and began a Ph.D. on a CORDI grant at INSITU. Melody Kim, an undergraduate at UCSD, visited INSITU in the fall quarter. Both are working with A. Satyanarayan on the Multimedia Interactive Schedule. W. Mackay worked on Combinatorix [28] with B. Schneider (Stanford Ph.D. student). W. Mackay and F. Tsandilas had several meetings with A. Bosseau as part of the ANR DRAO project, which includes Prof. Maneesh Agrawala from Berkeley). W. Mackay and M. Beaudouin-Lafon visited UCSD (J. Hollan and N. Weibel). W. Mackay, M. Beaudouin-Lafon, A. Satyanarayan and J. Hollan attended the Dagstuhl HCI seminar in Germany. SIRIUS helped sponsor two international workshops, one at Berkeley and one in Orsay, France on interaction in multi-surface environments.

Participation In International Programs

CIRIC Chili – Emmanuel Pietriga joined Inria Chile in July 2012 and is now heading the Massive Data project, continuing the close collaboration with ALMA 6.3 and starting new industrial transfer projects related to the visualization of massive datasets and to the engineering of interactive systems.