IPSO - 2012

New Results

New Results

Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

National Initiatives

ANR Programme blanc (BLAN) MEGAS: 2009-2012

Participants : François Castella, Philippe Chartier, Arnaud Debussche, Erwan Faou.

Geometric methods and sampling: application to molecular simulation. The project was financed for 3 years, coordinated by Tony Lelièvre and has gathered the following teams and persons:

  • Team of Eric Cancès at CERMICS

  • Team IPSO

  • Mathias Rousset from Inria Lille

  • Christophe Chipot, from the CNRS in Nancy.

P. Chartier was the coordinator for IPSO.

ANR Programme blanc GYPSI: 2010-2014

Participant : Nicolas Crouseilles.

Leader: Ph. Gendrih.

The full description is available at https://sites.google.com/site/anrgypsi/

ANR Programme blanc E2T2: 2010-2014

Participant : Nicolas Crouseilles.

Leader: P. Beyer

ANR Programme blanc STOSYMAP

Participant : Arnaud Debussche.

Leader: A. Shirikyan, The full description is available at http://shirikyan.u-cergy.fr/stosymap.html

Inria Large scale initiative FUSION

Participant : Nicolas Crouseilles.

Leader: E. Sonnendrücker. The full description is available at http://www-math.u-strasbg.fr/ae_fusion