Section: Partnerships and Cooperations
National Initiatives
DGA/DGCIS Rapid Canari
Participants : Patrick Rives, Cyril Joly.
no. Inria Sophia 4979, duration : 36 months.
This project started in July 2010. It aims at developing a full autonomous indoor mobile robot dedicated to survey missions. The partners are Robopec and ECA companies. We are in charge of the development of Slam aspects. The contract supported Cyril Joly's engineer grant (see Section 6.3.3 ).
ANR Contint Prosit
Participants : Tao Li, Alexandre Krupa.
no. Inria Rennes 3585, duration: 46 months.
This project is led by the Prisme lab in Bourges. It started in December 2008 in collaboration with LIRMM in Montpellier, LMS in Poitiers, CHU of Tours, and the Robosoft company. Its goal is to develop an interactive master-slave robotic platform for medical diagnosis applications (tele-echography) with assistance functionalities. The work that we have realized within this project is described in Section 6.4.2 .
ANR Contint US-Comp
Participants : Caroline Nadeau, Alexandre Krupa.
no. Inria Rennes 3560, duration: 42 months.
This project, led by Alexandre Krupa, started in December 2008. It involves a collaboration with the Visages team in Rennes, LSIIT in Strasbourg and Lirmm in Montpellier. Its goal is to provide methodological solutions for real-time compensation of soft tissues motion during ultrasound imaging. The approach consists in synchronizing the displacement of a 2D or 3D ultrasound probe to stabilize the observed image by the use of a robotic arm. The work that we have realized within this project is described in Sections 6.4.1 and 6.4.3 .
ANR P2N Nanorobust
Participants : Le Cui, Eric Marchand.
no. UR1 11FA310-06D, duration: 48 months.
This project started in November 2011. It is composed of a consortium managed by Femto-ST in Besançon with LPN and Isir in Paris, Thalès and Lagadic group through the Université de Rennes 1. Nanorobust deals with the development of micro- and nano-manipulation within SEM (Scanning Electron Microscope). Our goal is to provide visual servoing techniques for positioning and manipulation tasks with a nanometer precision.
PEA Decsa
Participants : Aurélien Yol, Eric Marchand, François Chaumette.
no Inria Rennes 6630, duration: 36 months.
This project started in November 2011. It is composed of a consortium managed by Astrium with the Novadem, Sirehna, Spot Image and Magellium companies, and with the Inria Lagadic and Steep groups. It is devoted to the development of navigation and perception algorithms for small drones in urban environment.
Equipex Robotex
Participants : Aurélien Yol, Fabien Spindler, François Chaumette.
no Inria Rennes 6388, duration: 10 years.
Lagadic is one of the 15 French partners involved in the Equipex Robotex network. It is devoted to get significative equipments in the main robotics labs in France. This year, it allowed us to buy the Viper S650 arm and the Pioneer 3DX described in Sections 5.4 and 5.5 . In a near future, we plan to buy a humanoid robot, Romeo, by Aldebaran Robotics.
Inria Large Scale Initiative Action Pal
Participants : Patrick Rives, Marie Babel, François Chaumette, Luca Marchetti, Cyril Joly, Rafik Sekkal, François Pasteau.
Lagadic participates in the large-scale initiative action Pal (Personally Assisted Living) to develop technologies and services to improve the autonomy and quality of life for elderly and fragile persons. The purpose of Pal is to provide an experimental infrastructure, in order to facilitate the development of models, tools, technologies and concept demonstrations. Using the skills and objectives of the involved teams, four research themes have been defined: a) assessing the degree of frailty of the elderly, b) mobility of people, c) rehabilitation, transfer and assistance in walking, and d) social interaction. Lagadic is currently involved in the themes "mobility of people" and "assistance in walking" through collaborations with the EPI E-motion (Grenoble), EPI Coprin (Sophia Antipolis), and Handibio (Toulon). See Sections 6.3.6 , 6.2.4 and 6.3.5 .