Section: Scientific Foundations

Image features and descriptors and robust correspondence

Reliable image features are a crucial component of any visual recognition system. Despite much progress, research is still needed in this area. Elementary features and descriptors suffice for a few applications, but their lack of robustness and invariance puts a heavy burden on the learning method and the training data, ultimately limiting the performance that can be achieved. More sophisticated descriptors allow better inter-class separation and hence simpler learning methods, potentially enabling generalization from just a few examples and avoiding the need for large, carefully engineered training databases.

The feature and descriptor families that we advocate typically share several basic properties:

  • Locality and redundancy: For resistance to variable intra-class geometry, occlusions, changes of viewpoint and background, and individual feature extraction failures, descriptors should have relatively small spatial support and there should be many of them in each image. Schemes based on collections of image patches or fragments are more robust and better adapted to object-level queries than global whole-image descriptors. A typical scheme thus selects an appropriate set of image fragments, calculates robust appearance descriptors over each of these, and uses the resulting collection of descriptors as a characterization of the image or object (a “bag-of-features” approach – see below).

  • Photometric and geometric invariance: Features and descriptors must be sufficiently invariant to changes of illumination and image quantization and to variations of local image geometry induced by changes of viewpoint, viewing distance, image sampling and by local intra-class variability. In practice, for local features geometric invariance is usually approximated by invariance to Euclidean, similarity or affine transforms of the local image.

  • Repeatability and salience: Fragments are not very useful unless they can be extracted reliably and found again in other images. Rather than using dense sets of fragments, we often focus on local descriptors based at particularly salient points – “keypoints” or “points of interest”. This gives a sparser and thus potentially more efficient representation, and one that can be constructed automatically in a preprocessing step. To be useful, such points must be accurately relocalizable in other images, with respect to both position and scale.

  • Informativeness: Notwithstanding the above forms of robustness, descriptors must also be informative in the sense that they are rich sources of information about image content that can easily be exploited in scene characterization and object recognition tasks. Images contain a lot of variety so high dimensional descriptions are required. The useful information should also be manifest, not hidden in fine details or obscure high-order correlations. In particular, image formation is essentially a spatial process, so relative position information needs to be made explicit, e.g. using local feature or context style descriptors.

Partly owing to our own investigations, features and descriptors with some or all of these properties have become popular choices for visual correspondence and recognition, particularly when large changes of viewpoint may occur. One notable success to which we contributed is the rise of “bag-of-features” methods for visual object recognition. These characterize images by their (suitably quantized or parametrized) global distributions of local descriptors in descriptor space. The representation evolved from texton based methods in texture analysis. Despite the fact that it does not (explicitly) encode much spatial structure, it turns out to be surprisingly powerful for recognizing more structural object categories.

Our current research on local features is focused on creating detectors and descriptors that are better adapted to describe object classes, on incorporating spatial neighborhood and region constraints to improve informativeness relative to the bag-of-features approach, and on extending the scheme to cover different kinds of locality. Current research also includes the development and evaluation of local descriptors for video, and associated detectors for spatio-temporal content.