Section: Dissemination
Scientific Animation
K. Belabas acts on the editorial board of Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux since 2005 and of Archiv der Mathematik since 2006.
H. Cohen is an editorial board member of Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux; he is an editor for the Springer book series Algorithms and Computations in Mathematics (ACM).
J.-M. Couveignes is associate editor of Séminaires et Congrès since 2008, of Mathematics of Computation since 2008, of London Mathematical Society Journal for Computation and Mathematics since 2009 and of Publications mathématiques de Besançon since 2010.
A. Enge is an editor of Designs, Codes and Cryptography since 2004.
Invited talks
A. Enge: “Class polynomials for abelian surfaces by complex approximations” at Number Theory, Discrete Mathematics and Their Applications, Tsinghua University, China, 25–27/05
Conference organisation and programme committees
A. Enge acts on the scientific advisory board of the Journées Nationales de Calcul Formel.
The following external speakers have given a presentation at the Lfant seminar, see
Vassily Golyshev (Bonn): “Searching for congruences of Galois representations ”
Marco Streng (Warwick): “Smaller class invariants for quartic CM-fields”
Gaëtan Bisson (Sydney): “Un algorithme à la Pollard pour le problème du sac à dos”
Bruno Salvy: “Itération de Newton: du numérique à la combinatoire, et réciproquement”
Bernhardt Schmidt (Singapore): “Values and ideals in combinatorial problems”
Fernando Mario (Berlin): “Packings of bodies in Euclidean space”
Luca De Feo (Versailles): “Towards Quantum-Resistant Cryptosystems from Supersingular Elliptic Curve Isogenies”
Research administration
K. Belabas is the head of the mathematics department of University Bordeaux 1. He also leads the computer science support service (“cellule informatique”) of the Institute of Mathematics of Bordeaux and coordinates the participation of the institute in the regional computation cluster PlaFRIM.
He is a permanent invited member of the councils of both the math and computer science department (UFR) and the Math Institute (IMB).
J.-P. Cerri is an elected member of the scientific council of the Mathematics Institute of Bordeaux (IMB) and responsible for the bachelor programme in mathematics and informatics.
Since January 2011, J.-M. Couveignes is involved in the GDR mathématiques et entreprises and in the Agence pour les mathématiques en interaction avec l’entreprise et la société.
A. Enge is responsible for the international affairs of Inria–Bordeaux-Sud-Ouest and a member of the COST-GTRI, the Inria body responsible for evaluating international partnerships.