Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

National Initiatives


The team did coordinate the VAMPIRE ANR Project which ended in october 2012. VAMPIRE is a research project funded by the French Research Agency (ANR, VERSO ANR-08-VERS-017) coordinated by the team. The goal of the project to investigate new thread security issues induced by Voice Over IP (VoIP) protocols and web2.0. Madynes has the lead on this project.

Actions d'Envergure Nationale

The Inria Large-scale initiative action AEN PAL project (http://pal.inria.fr ) aims at providing technologies and services for improving the autonomy and quality of life for elderly and fragile persons. Communication is one of the key components for ensuring real-time data gathering and exchange between heterogeneous sensors and actuators (robots). Within PAL and thanks to the associated ADT PERCEE project, we extended MPIGate (http://mpigate.loria.fr ), a multi-protocol interface and gateway, by integrating a publisher-subscriber data distribution model of standard middleware (DDS and ROS). The first experimentations showed its good performance and its easy-to-use interface for transparent heterogenous data access (through either programmer API or end-user web interface) [12] . The development and tests are conducted using LORIA's smart apartment platform developed within CPER MISN Informatique située project (http://infositu.loria.fr ). The adoption of ROS (Robotic Operating System) also facilitates the interoperability of our services with the services of the other PAL partners since the new PALGate is based on ROS.